TMI warning!!!
Downside to chips too days in a row-severe cramps, constipation followed by diarrhoea-and that was all in last 15mins.... Really hoping it passes-they're all gone down to watch the fancy dress parade but I can't leave the toilet.![]()
Ah that's not so bad on pp, looks tasty anyway!!
Swimming in the sea with your siblings, sounds lovely![]()
Mmmmmm Chipper Chips! I think that's ok for 5pp cos I have 3pp of Oven Chips which aren't nearly as nice! Well Done on cooking your accompanimentsx
Sounds like you have had a great day! Drove by the camp sites for oxygen on my way to my sisters house and they were mucked up to their eye balls the rain down here was mad today!! Hahahahahaha they were soaked
MMMmmmmmm chipper chips ya cant beat them
Oh No :-( Hope u feel better soon Sweetie. X
Oh no Brona that's no fun, hope it passes quickly (no pun intended!)
oh no brona how are you feeling now
Hope you're feeling better soon.
It's obviously your body rejecting the junk food.
It wants healthy food instead.
Although your dinner did look amazing.
I haven't had bacon in ages (well apart from the tiny chunks sprinkled on my pizza just now)
So today ended up OK.
Swam and walked alot
Ate good lunch and dinner
Had couple of drinks but nothing major thanks to my stomach
Didn't get 'a walk' as such in-specific go and come back but nothing on really for week now so hopefully....
Pub quiz tomoro nite so couple drinks and then meal out Tue with few drinks. Otherwise feeling OK with eating normal food.
To be honest-not really conscious trying to be 'super good' but just nothing really tempting me.
Even cake at coffee shop yesterday didn't tickle the taste buds. Had tiny tiny sliver of banoffe pie earlier-just a taste. I do like it but not enough.
I never got chance to catch up on diaries today. Tomoro hopefully.
Proper walk and swim plus usually wandering tomoro....
My mam appears to have sciatica since Thurs and is in quite alot of pain so driving her around a little more than usual when we'd usually walk but nothing that's making me 'inactive'....
Nite all.... xx
Hey Brona. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit betterI think you're being really good on your Hols even if you're not meaning to be!!! I think you're good to resist if you don't really fancy it as it'll be better when u do actually fancy it!!! Hope u have a good day today
Glad your feeling better!
Yea they were washed out of it! My sisters 2 older kids (they're not kids anymore) were at it and the amount of washing she has after them is unreal!
Glad your making good choices cuz I know how much you wanted to behave yourself while away!
Enjoy your day today xXx
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Ya I guess I've been doing more of the catering 'won't call it cooking' than I expected so that helps!
Ya holding out for batter cake that my mam had brought but it wasn't as nice as I was hoping-we alWays get tHem for birthdays. So only had small bit and that won't be tempting me for rest of week-phew-cos usually I'd eat the whole thing.
Ya-happy enough now with choices. No serious temptation so far besides a few beers. But considering the amount I must have drank last weekend, there's no way I've drank the same amount.x
That doesn't sound like much of a holiday tho if you're doing the catering lol! What's a Batter Cake? I've never heard of that! X
To be honest hon. Its not much of one. I love being far away from where I liVe and work. I love being beside the sea and I love spending time with my family.
But I do end up in the carer role-like work-cooking, cleaning, minding people, making sure everyone else is OK before me. So ended up making breakfast, lunch and dinner today and cleaning up after and then driving everyone around aswel. I'm wrecked to be honest. .
But if I don't do it-my mam will end up doing it and she's just not able. I wud never have said my family were lazy or take advantage-we weren't brought up that way-but this week they really seem to be taking a back seat.
Oh well-it really doesn't bother me-it just makes me tired.
Anyway-off to lose a pub quiz now.![]()