So I really don't know How to sum up this week. It was brilliant. We go every year for last few but I don't know if it was weather or me feeling better in myself or both that made this better.
The weather was amazing. Better than We expected.
Swam 6/7 days in the sea-and actually was much stronger than I was last year-really swam!
Also walked alot.
Overall I earned 29APs this week. Which was great for just 'normal' exercise.
So we all ticked off our individual 'bucket lists' for week.
Walk to the 'point of the wood' - gorgeous walk
<img src=""/>
Found entrance to a big old house that's abandoned and derelict.
Went out on our friends boat for a spin - had no interest in fishing earlier that day <img src=""/>
Went to the beach with no nephew and spent loads of time making sand castles and running in aNd out of water <img src=""/>
Also spent time with him in playground. Great fun.
Went out for dinner with our parents for their anniversary.
Spent time in beer gardens and in general we got to all 4 pubs in the village at different points.
Had coffee in the coffee shop-its a bigger deal than it sounds.
Ate chips from the van-but ate alot fewer than recent years.
Went to coffee morning and raised money for lifeboat.
Also my mam (and from my dad) bought me my belated birthday present. It was my 30th so she wanted to get me something special so I had said maybe a painting. But I wanted something with a bit of meaning so managed to find one of Courtmacsherry today. I love it. I'll take I photo of it when I take bubble wrap off when I get to kildare. Also picked up a smaller print on canvas myself-of fuschia flowers which are typical west cork.
I feel so relaxed after the week. And got to spend time with all my family. Loved it. Actually got a bit teary leaving today but I'm lucky-I'm the one that's home the most so will be down again soon.