Hey guys. Thanks for all yer lovely messages.
Had very good sleep and got up and went to gym.
Had sneaky WI this morn-just really wanted to know where I was at. Not good. So gona be 100% today as I'm off work and hope for best.
It is TOTM and I always give myself slack around then. I'm more concerned bout getting my head back in the game than necessarily getting great result.
I've just been bit stressed lately. Being perfectly honest goin to that estate party thing last week stressed me out big time the whole week before. I'm just not good in social situations I don't know enough people at.
And this week its the hen. I've been to loads and I'm sure it'll be great craic but few people at it that I just don't get on well with. My friend at work is an inlaw of the bride and was supposed to go but she had to pull out for family reasons. So I've been stressing bout it since. Obviously I'll be planning on avoiding tHe people I don't get on with but I can't help but worry bout it.
But I'm gona get last few bits for it today. I love my outfit which shud help my confidence and then enjoy rest of my day off. Work tomoro-planning on gym in morn and swim after work.
Then getting my hair done for hen sat.

It badly needs cutting but wana leaVe it closer to two weddings at end of Sept/start of Oct so gona treat myself.
Anyway-thanks for putting up with my moods. I'm hopefully out of it now. TOTM hasn't started yet but I'm usually more affected the few days before anyway.
Thanks guys. xxx