Hey hon. Im ok. Appointment for tue evening with gp. Of course since I made appointment im fine and I feel stupid for wanting to go but I know that to be honest I feel better _because_ of the appointment.
Thanks for checking hon. Ill keep you posted. xxx
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Hey guys,
Thanks so much for yer kind words. Went to the doctor this evening. Had good chat. Felt so stupid going in cos the last couple of days i've been doing ok but he was so nice.
Im hoping ill start to pick up in the next few weeks and get things back on track. Thanks again guys.xxxx
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Hey Brona! Rainman is back and ready to post on your thread ;-) x How have you been getting on? X
Hi honey, I'm so glad you're back. I havn't beem good but I think unconsciously ive been waiting for you to come back. It's my birthday today (well maybe technically yesterday), and this is the best present ever to have you back!!! Missed you! !xxxx Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app
I've been thinking of you with coupons and money off..... miss you... x Sent from my GT-I9505 using MiniMins.com mobile app