Day 15 weigh in day
I've lost 3.5lbs this week the scale dance between 4lbs and 3.5lbs but thought go with the less as probably more accurate. I now weigh 13st8.5lbs yay!
Measurements I lost 8 inches total:
2 off my waist
1 off my hips (I measure around my bum dont know if thats what they meant by biggest part?)
1 off each thigh
1 off each upper arm
0.5 off each calf
so ive lost 14 inches total in two weeks so happy!!
I was a little disappointed that i didnt get 13st7lbs so that i was half way through the 13s but that will come next week.
Off to the gym today so tired not happy with my OH he wakes up early when im not in work so I never get a lie in then lays in when I have to get up v.early for work.

He didnt watch the puppy when i went to the loo so she jumped on the counter and has eaten my shaker. Think this diet has made me a little more grumpy or could be pms or both.
But I will destress at the gym and remember to set my alarm clock very loudly for tomorrow morning.
Im back on simplicity today I'm really looking forward to it so far I've had a chocolate shake I think I'll have a caffe latte then mild curry with swede peppers and broccolli then a mint bar think im gonna try heating it up I've seen a few posts about how nice the truffa bar are warmed up.
I'm going to make sure I take my thyroid medication properly as well so that I take it everyday instead of missing days and drink more water ive got a bit sloppy with this I need to drink more.