Day 18
Yesterday was mega busy went to town to collect my new phone eeek I actually have a phone that works! I spent 2 hours setting it up took ages but worth it. Ive also ordered myself a fitbit charge after being inspired by HappyBunny with her stepping.
It'll be interesting to wear it at work to see how many I do could break it though on a busy understaffed day though you just end up running all over the place but I should be getting that in 2 weeks so can't wait for that!
Then took the puppy for a 3 mile round trip walk and just let her run around like crazy haha
Went to the gym and mainly did stepper omg this wears me out more than anything even running isnt as bad its like going up a tower block of flats its knackering.:faint2:
Then focused on my arms and obliques with weights especially my wings

was so tired when i got home i had a lifestyle day so had my low carb meal after the gym.
pack 1 strawberry shake
pack 2 vanilla shake
LC chicken and broccoli (im so boring i could eat this all the time)
pack 3 chocolate shake hot pudding style
total kcal 642
total carb 44.40
total pro 79.10
Sorry for not updating last night I was just far to tired plus internet was down but I've fixed it now
