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...So I'm officially on 3 products with egg-spinach and cucumber omelets for dinner. Sometimes a bit of fish or a bit of chicken with it and seems I'm in mega stall city
...but you know what? I'm gonna keep at it, lol. I know my metabolism needs a lot of work to get back to a normal level; so this time I'm gonna keep at it till the body acclimatizes to a bit more food over the 800/1000 vlcd calorie mark without going ballistic. This is where I need to call upon all the gods of patience and all things good to help me out,
...the good thing though is when operating from hind sight, you know that this is the right thing to do. Constantly dropping calories gets you no where - minimal weight loss if any - with an extended period of rebound and recycling of water weight through the year and very sluggish metabolism, energy levels always low, and so many other thyroid related issues, lol,. yeah its the truth so no need being in denial - vlcd's may get you there but they sure won't keep you there properly - skinny fat, anyone? SO....after all that rant, it's back to the gym I go, I've been pumping that iron like no man's sh*t and the plank has moved to 30 seconds!!! whoop whoop!!! will soon attempt to move to push ups, but I'm focusing on strengthening my very oh so very weak core at the mo'. Who has core-strengthening videos 101 for beginners, lol

would really appreciate a few links - hints - tips