Wait. Why am I still awake? What's that smell? .... Is that ketosis?lol. I wish - although to be perfectly honest, I'm strangely not too bothered! Just excited for Sunday's WI numbers for all of us
Lovely Bev, where are you??
Wait. Why am I still awake? What's that smell? .... Is that ketosis?lol. I wish - although to be perfectly honest, I'm strangely not too bothered! Just excited for Sunday's WI numbers for all of us
Aww no whats up? Diet or life related?!
Just completely drained, I've got a worse commute now than when I was last on it and it's taken it out of me, thankfully going to start working from home one way a week in a couple of weeks timebut oh my, by 8pm last night I was gonna bite anyone's head of who dare even to breath in my direction!
Lovely Bev, where are you??
Battling with my InternetFUMING! And THEN it took me two days to log back in on here! It's like a conspiracy :sigh:.
Anywhooooo... Honk for day 4 (and day 3 - did I Honk for that already?!?). Still hanging in there - actually doing pretty well! Yes, I'm surprised lol
I hope everyone's doing great xx
Ps: I've been having the weirdest nightmares - random beasts blocking me from hiding in the loo in a haunted houseI've been waking up in agony, hobbling to the loo, clutching my tummy, with my eyes stilll closed lol. Am I the only person that has rediscovered that childhood gift of navigating to the bog, flushing, washing AND drying hands, and back to bed with my eyes still shut so I can go straight back to sleep? :8855: Thank goodness I'm single, hey?
I had such bad going into ketosis insomnia and nightmares after Christmas I took melatonin. And yes I do the loo sleep walk too but have occasionally walked into an open wardrobe door. Fortunately no black eyes yet.
Glad you are still doing OK. Was a bit worried about you last night. Got my choir tonight so will be honking late after I've navigated the mid session digestives and fig rolls!! I will navigate them don't fear.