20 somethings

Hi everyone can I join this group please? I'm 29 and I'm trying to lose at least four stone by my 30th which is august next year! I've got a 10 year old daughter and doing a PGCE at the minute so I'm quite busy and tired, but sick of feeling so down about my weight and self conscious when everything else is actually quite good in my life! I started doing SW at home last Monday so first WI is tomorrow eek! Had a few blips but just getting back into the swing of things again now. I am also starting the 30 Day Shred today if anyone else is doing that? Xx
GeorgieGirl83 said:
Hi everyone can I join this group please? I'm 29 and I'm trying to lose at least four stone by my 30th which is august next year! I've got a 10 year old daughter and doing a PGCE at the minute so I'm quite busy and tired, but sick of feeling so down about my weight and self conscious when everything else is actually quite good in my life! I started doing SW at home last Monday so first WI is tomorrow eek! Had a few blips but just getting back into the swing of things again now. I am also starting the 30 Day Shred today if anyone else is doing that? Xx

Hello Georgie and welcome! I actually attempted the 30 day shred a few months ago and gave up after day 2 which is terrible, I was thinking of giving it another go?! Why don't we do it together? When are you starting? Xx
Thanks for the welcome! I attempted it last week and lasted one day! But no pain no gain so I'm starting it today! I have the DVD, a mat and the weights, so no more excuses! Let's go for it! Xx
GeorgieGirl83 said:
Thanks for the welcome! I attempted it last week and lasted one day! But no pain no gain so I'm starting it today! I have the DVD, a mat and the weights, so no more excuses! Let's go for it! Xx

See last time I didn't have the weights, I was using two tins of beans lol! But I will go for it with you and we can keep track of how we are both doing, what day shall we start?! Xx
Morning all :) may I join in the 30day shred too? This will be my third attempt and really want to get to the end this time! Last time I got to day 7 and was taken ill into hospital so not been able to get back to it till I was back to strength. Think I'm about there now and can't wait to start seeing the results (as you do see them quickly!) When are you both starting? X
Let's start today girls no time like the present! I was reading a thread on here about the shred and I think the trick is to keep trying to do it every day unless you really can't for whatever reason. The girls that managed to complete the whole shred did it every day or only missed one day before getting straight back on it - and their inch losses were amazing!

I'm sure baked bean tins will work fine, or maybe the one litre water bottles might be easier to hold? Xx
GeorgieGirl83 said:
Let's start today girls no time like the present! I was reading a thread on here about the shred and I think the trick is to keep trying to do it every day unless you really can't for whatever reason. The girls that managed to complete the whole shred did it every day or only missed one day before getting straight back on it - and their inch losses were amazing!

I'm sure baked bean tins will work fine, or maybe the one litre water bottles might be easier to hold? Xx

Right today it is!! Beans or bottles il do it!! Haha, I'm scared cos I'm so unfit, I may be at target but honestly when it comes to exercise I'm so unfit! It's like being big again! We can do it girls xxx
I know how you feel! I used to do at least six hours a week of dance and that was only a few years ago, but gained about three stone since then and done barely any exercise. Well if you managed to get to target you can do anything so think positive! You look fab on your profile pic how much have you lost? Sorry if you have written that somewhere else but I've only been on here a week and can't figure it out yet or even see half the stuff until I make 50 posts or something aargh lol xxx
GeorgieGirl83 said:
I know how you feel! I used to do at least six hours a week of dance and that was only a few years ago, but gained about three stone since then and done barely any exercise. Well if you managed to get to target you can do anything so think positive! You look fab on your profile pic how much have you lost? Sorry if you have written that somewhere else but I've only been on here a week and can't figure it out yet or even see half the stuff until I make 50 posts or something aargh lol xxx

Haha don't worry you'll get the hang of it, I've only been posting on here a few days, just used to browse! Will post my before and after pic for u to see! I've lost 11 and a half stone xx


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I tried the 30 day shred did it once and was dyin the nxt day lol soooo unfit, plus i quite often get dizzy spells which doesnt help lol xx
Sparkle88 said:
I tried the 30 day shred did it once and was dyin the nxt day lol soooo unfit, plus i quite often get dizzy spells which doesnt help lol xx

I get dizzy spells too! How weird, I sometimes literally black out when I stand up! Doctor says its my blood pressure and said if you're prone to dizziness and feeling faint, before u stand up give your feet a wiggle for a minute to get your blood flowing, hasn't done anything tho, I still get it and often forget to give my feet a wiggle lol x
OH MY GOD jessikahlashes !!!! You look amazing congratulations. Well now you KNOW you can do anything. 30 Day Shred will be a walk in the park! Xx
Ahhhh the Shred. We have memories, Shred and I.
Twice, we attempted to start up a relationship. First time I couldn't do all the exercises even at beginner level. Second time I made it all the way through, fully expecting to DIE the whole time. Felt fine, full of energy afterward. The next day I got out of bed like some sort of decrepid old woman... couldn't walk for days. Walking uphill was okay, kind of... walking downhill was a challenge cos my legs kept losing strength and giving out on me hahaha I almost fell over I don't know how many times.

I'm so happy I got all my cleaning done yesterday and today all I need to do is a spruce up...cos Fia had me up at 5am. Extra hour in bed indeed! I even kept her up an hour later last night just so she would sleep later, thereby bringing her back into a proper sleep routine! Grrr!

Today's dinner is not stew like I was going to make, but a rustic beef casserole. I'm using a season and shake bag thing (5 syns) but not using the bag... I'll mix it all in the bag and then pour it into a dish and in the oven for a few hours on medium heat...Mmmmm.

So glad OH will be back at some stage this evening. Don't think I could take another day on my own with these kids haha

Looks like my plans to go up to my Mother's today have been scuppered too; it's raining cats and dogs here! Don't fancy getting wet if I don't have to. Although I do have to go shop lol so getting wet is going to happen at some stage.
Hi sparkle88 I did the shred once and I thought my bum was going to fall off the next day! Never know aching like it LOL although maybe my bum dropping off would be a good thing that would be two stone lost straight away haha. Have you got low blood pressure Hun? Sticking to the easy (!!) moves on level one, plenty of water and maybe a banana half hour before may help?? Xx
GeorgieGirl83 said:
OH MY GOD jessikahlashes !!!! You look amazing congratulations. Well now you KNOW you can do anything. 30 Day Shred will be a walk in the park! Xx

Thanks Georgie! I'm all for the 30 day shred, excited to get started actually! I'm so excited for the morning, I'm like an excited child everytime the post comes cos I'm waiting for a letter from a surgeon as I'm having a tummy tuck done and I'm hoping to hear from him this week, Im excited to lose a few more pounds too cos I've heard they can remove around half a stone of skin!! Scarey stuff xxx
Jessikah, tell me to F off if you like, but I just wondered, are you paying for the tummy tuck yourself, or is it being done on the NHS? I'm hoping to guilt my doctor enough afterward for a tummy tuck on the medical card, because I simply know I'm going to have loose skin; I can already see my tummy going a bit wrinkly.
Another area I think I'm going to have problems is my upper arms and upper thighs... skin suit central. Is there anything I can get done for that, I wonder?

If a neighbour of mine can get a boob job on the medical card, surely I can get a nip and tuck in some places!
xMandyDx said:
Ahhhh the Shred. We have memories, Shred and I.
Twice, we attempted to start up a relationship. First time I couldn't do all the exercises even at beginner level. Second time I made it all the way through, fully expecting to DIE the whole time. Felt fine, full of energy afterward. The next day I got out of bed like some sort of decrepid old woman... couldn't walk for days. Walking uphill was okay, kind of... walking downhill was a challenge cos my legs kept losing strength and giving out on me hahaha I almost fell over I don't know how many times.

I'm so happy I got all my cleaning done yesterday and today all I need to do is a spruce up...cos Fia had me up at 5am. Extra hour in bed indeed! I even kept her up an hour later last night just so she would sleep later, thereby bringing her back into a proper sleep routine! Grrr!

Today's dinner is not stew like I was going to make, but a rustic beef casserole. I'm using a season and shake bag thing (5 syns) but not using the bag... I'll mix it all in the bag and then pour it into a dish and in the oven for a few hours on medium heat...Mmmmm.

So glad OH will be back at some stage this evening. Don't think I could take another day on my own with these kids haha

Looks like my plans to go up to my Mother's today have been scuppered too; it's raining cats and dogs here! Don't fancy getting wet if I don't have to. Although I do have to go shop lol so getting wet is going to happen at some stage.

Rustic beef casserole sounds gorgeous! I like those shake bags have them quite a lot, was going to do garlic chicken tonight I think! My 2 were also up very early and I also kept them up abit later so they would sleep through! Kids!! It's not raining here today but absolutely freezing cold, make sure you're covered up when you pop to shops!! X
Hi xMandyDx oh no that sounds awful, what am I letting myself in for lol. Do you do any other exercise? I used to be quite fit from dancing for years so I'm kind of hoping my muscles will remember that! The girls on the other thread about the shred all said if you can get past day three it gets a bit easier and less achy! So fingers crossed. So glad you mentioned those bags as I have one in the cupboard and darednt use it in case it was really high syn! Xx
One piece of advice I will give for the shred from personal experience is that I don't think the cool down at the end is long enough! When I dis shred following the cool down given I was in agony. Last time round I held each stretch for longer, and added a few others such as a calf stretch as I found hers didn't stretch half the muscles I had been using! Maybe its just me but thought I'd mention it as it might help others! X