20 somethings

Wow ladies! I don't come on for two days and theres 15 pages to try to catch up on! Can't get through them all so the bits that I did catch...

Jess... WOW! What an amazing story and photos! You look so different and are truly amazing!

Claire, I think taking two weeks off SW to start exercise is a great plan! I've got the next 2 weigh ins off and started the 30 day shred this week. After 4 days I already lost an inch and a half from my hips! Though my weight has maintained so far. I had two days off of it As I've been moving my mums stuff into a bungalow for her whilst she's in hospital and haven't had the time to do it, but got back on it tonight for day 5. I'm going to do two solid weeks of it and see if the weight loss starts up again and if not I'll stop for a bit because I want to make sure I've lost 3.5 lbs at least by time i go back to weigh in to get my 3 stone award (which will be a total of 4 and a half stone lost since having jack!). It's hurt a bit tonight doing it As it had got a lot easier by day 4, but sure It will get easier again :) I just don't want it jeopardising my losses!

Been crazy busy these past few days trying to sort out a house move for my mum whilst shes still in hospital. It's quite stressful and we had one day off plan yesterday because I was shattered and really wanted a treat, so we got a meal deal from tesco and had lasagne, buttered veg and chocolate tart for tea yesterday with a bottle of red wine, then promptly passed out! I've got an eye infection and a cold so I feel like crap too and so does ben as he's got a cold and poor jacks routine is out (especially with the clocks going back last night!) I couldn't understand why he was screaming and crying at 5:30pm As it's not like him at all, he's usually so happy, then I realised that this time yesterday was 6:30pm and he was hungry and wanted to go to bed! Any idea on how to get him back to a 6:30 bedtime? Do I just need to keep him up a little longer each day to get him back to it or will he naturally adjust? I felt so sorry for him, he was so upset. It's the first time he's really cried like that because normally I know what he wants before he has to let us know, but I've been so busy with mums house move that I didn't even think about the clocks changing, so I've been a nasty mummy today :(

Anyway hope you ladies all had a lovely weekend! I'm back on plan today, the only problem is my antibiotics have to be taken an hour before food and two hours after food, so I can't snack, can only eat at certain times to make sure I fit all my antibiotics in and it's a right pain when I'm trying to focus on everything else! Plus I like to graze throughout the day too :( xx
Just made the Cajun bean burgers from the new SW mag. Substituted normal potato for sweet potato, and added garlic and red onion. And cooked flat mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes to add to the burgers. Also made a dip from fat free yoghurt with spring onion, garlic, lime juice and salt/pepper. Used one bun as healthy extra and synned the other as I was starving! Very nice, even dedicated meat eater OH loved them!


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Ooh, glad they worked out for you xanthe.

Sammy, I'm not surprised you were shattered! That infection is the last thing you need right now! Yum chocolate tart. Well done for getting into the shred. I feel like such a slacker not doing it, but I still have so much to lose I don't want to start doing it yet.

As for sleeping just adjust it by 10 minutes each night for 6 nights. I'm horrid and just shock Nate into into it, seen as though he is being a pain with bedtimes and staying asleep as it is I might as well. But if he was being normal I would do 10 minutes a night. It might still take a couple of weeks for him to get used to it.
sammyb1985 said:
Wow ladies! I don't come on for two days and theres 15 pages to try to catch up on! Can't get through them all so the bits that I did catch...

Jess... WOW! What an amazing story and photos! You look so different and are truly amazing!

Claire, I think taking two weeks off SW to start exercise is a great plan! I've got the next 2 weigh ins off and started the 30 day shred this week. After 4 days I already lost an inch and a half from my hips! Though my weight has maintained so far. I had two days off of it As I've been moving my mums stuff into a bungalow for her whilst she's in hospital and haven't had the time to do it, but got back on it tonight for day 5. I'm going to do two solid weeks of it and see if the weight loss starts up again and if not I'll stop for a bit because I want to make sure I've lost 3.5 lbs at least by time i go back to weigh in to get my 3 stone award (which will be a total of 4 and a half stone lost since having jack!). It's hurt a bit tonight doing it As it had got a lot easier by day 4, but sure It will get easier again :) I just don't want it jeopardising my losses!

Been crazy busy these past few days trying to sort out a house move for my mum whilst shes still in hospital. It's quite stressful and we had one day off plan yesterday because I was shattered and really wanted a treat, so we got a meal deal from tesco and had lasagne, buttered veg and chocolate tart for tea yesterday with a bottle of red wine, then promptly passed out! I've got an eye infection and a cold so I feel like crap too and so does ben as he's got a cold and poor jacks routine is out (especially with the clocks going back last night!) I couldn't understand why he was screaming and crying at 5:30pm As it's not like him at all, he's usually so happy, then I realised that this time yesterday was 6:30pm and he was hungry and wanted to go to bed! Any idea on how to get him back to a 6:30 bedtime? Do I just need to keep him up a little longer each day to get him back to it or will he naturally adjust? I felt so sorry for him, he was so upset. It's the first time he's really cried like that because normally I know what he wants before he has to let us know, but I've been so busy with mums house move that I didn't even think about the clocks changing, so I've been a nasty mummy today :(

Anyway hope you ladies all had a lovely weekend! I'm back on plan today, the only problem is my antibiotics have to be taken an hour before food and two hours after food, so I can't snack, can only eat at certain times to make sure I fit all my antibiotics in and it's a right pain when I'm trying to focus on everything else! Plus I like to graze throughout the day too :( xx

Thanks sammy!
It sounds like you've had lots going on with helping your mum and with being on antibiotics and everything else!! You need to breathe for a minute busy lady!! As for little one, I agree with fran, shock my two back into it also, they sort of just go with it, they were up an hour earlier this morning so were considerably more tired tonight so went to bed normal time around 7 o'clock and will be up about 7 in the morn again, back to normal! X
Felix said:
Just made the Cajun bean burgers from the new SW mag. Substituted normal potato for sweet potato, and added garlic and red onion. And cooked flat mushrooms and baby plum tomatoes to add to the burgers. Also made a dip from fat free yoghurt with spring onion, garlic, lime juice and salt/pepper. Used one bun as healthy extra and synned the other as I was starving! Very nice, even dedicated meat eater OH loved them!

Felix they look seriously gorgeous, I've had my tea already but reckon I could make space for these bad boys, look well nice! X
GeorgieGirl83 said:
That looks massive now I don't know why. This is my normal face

<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=67189"/>

So I can prove I did actually have makeup on and not just looking rough haha. Xx

Haha pretty lady!! I knew you it was the scarey make up!! X
Franalamadingdong said:
Ooh, glad they worked out for you xanthe.

Sammy, I'm not surprised you were shattered! That infection is the last thing you need right now! Yum chocolate tart. Well done for getting into the shred. I feel like such a slacker not doing it, but I still have so much to lose I don't want to start doing it yet.

As for sleeping just adjust it by 10 minutes each night for 6 nights. I'm horrid and just shock Nate into into it, seen as though he is being a pain with bedtimes and staying asleep as it is I might as well. But if he was being normal I would do 10 minutes a night. It might still take a couple of weeks for him to get used to it.

Thanks fran, we'll try to adjust him 10 minutes at a time then until he's back to normal. My heart was breaking for him because he got himself so upset :( the chocolate tart was lovely, but me and ben just got a fork each and ate half of it each straight from the tray (nearly 800 calories each in the cake alone!) been a long time since we've done that and I don't unsually get the craving for a binge like that anymore, whenever we say we're going to have a treat and go to the supermarket I always look at all the nice stuff and just don't want it, so I guess I really do want my size 12 more than food! But it was nice to have the wine, even though I felt tipsy after the glass and a half! I guess one thing about being pregnant and then breastfeeding is that once you start drinking you're a lightweight, It used to take loads to get me drunk on a night out, so I can save some money whenever I get another bight out lol!

The 30 day shred is good. I felt like I was going to die the first day and tue second day was worse because I ached from the first, but the fourth day I actually found it easy. I wish I hadn't missed the last two days As my thighs are suffering for it now I've returned to it today, but lugging wardrobes, couches and beds about must have got me some body magic in so I've not been too bad! Xx
Not going to get much time to rest for at least the next week unfortunately jess :( but after that I'll have a week of rest and I can't wait! :) xx
Ahh, I'm having proper "i want chocolate!!!" Moment. Woe. But I am really trying to resist. Getting that Karen millen (size 14!) top gave me such a buzz I don't want to throw it all away. Even though i know having an extra piece of chocolate won't ruin me.

Your weightloss will add to your getting tipsy easy too. I had a beer the other month and felt SOO drunk. I am so glad you had a nice evening, you've needed it. I'm glad you are having a rest coming up. You have done wonderfully to manage everything the way you have.
sammyb1985 said:
Not going to get much time to rest for at least the next week unfortunately jess :( but after that I'll have a week of rest and I can't wait! :) xx

Well I think after so much business an helping others you deserve the week of rest! X
Franalamadingdong said:
Ahh, I'm having proper "i want chocolate!!!" Moment. Woe. But I am really trying to resist. Getting that Karen millen (size 14!) top gave me such a buzz I don't want to throw it all away. Even though i know having an extra piece of chocolate won't ruin me.

Your weightloss will add to your getting tipsy easy too. I had a beer the other month and felt SOO drunk. I am so glad you had a nice evening, you've needed it. I'm glad you are having a rest coming up. You have done wonderfully to manage everything the way you have.

We are only human, I'm craving cheesecake but have none in so I'm safe :p x
Oh ladies, I think the dreaded bug has got me good and proper, and the only thing I can blame is the pizza haha, must be karma!! I feel dreadful, have come home from OHs to my own bed, and feel like poo! Yuck!! Xxx

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Oh dear cam hope you feel better soon, get a good night sleep and hopefully you'll feel better in the morning!
Right girls that's me for tonight, going to hit the sack, night night xxx
Thanks ladies :) fran, can you syn some chocolate? That's what they're there for. I have some chocolate most days, though not having any today to try make up a bit for yesterday! Xx
Hi all. Busy busy on here again. Sammy hope your all sorted soon and you so deserve a rest lady :)

Can I hope u wake up a lot better tomorrow a good nights rest and make site I get loadsa fluids.

Think I may join u all on the shred tomorrow have been wanting to give it another go.

Have had a lovely afternoon with a visit from my nan and uncle just catching up on X factor in bed now. Another ok day food wise have had to use some weeklies but that's what they're for. Back on just my dailies tomorrow.

Night all x

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Oh my goodness - I go away overnight and I miss out on sooo much!

Welcome to Amy, Laurie and Georgia!

I had a naughty night out on Saturday that came to 40 syns! All within my weekly allowance but 34 of those came from a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and a packet of Doritos Totally worth it but probably not going to have the mega loss to get my 1 stone award this week... Oh well, I'll get there!

Had the most exhausting day today - the OH started throwing up while we were down in Southampton (most unlike him and unfair as he had only had 3 pints the night before) and just hasn't stopped. We had to pull over on the motorway a few times on the journey home and he's so poorly. He started throwing up what looked like coffee grounds and got quite panicky, so I spoke to NHS Direct and they told me to take him to A&E. Amazingly we were treated and discharged within half an hour! I've never been in there for fewer than 3! They said I was doing everything right, giving him lots of liquid, adding sugar to it to give him some energy etc, took his blood pressure etc to make sure he wasn't dehydrated and sent us home with some anti-sickness melting tablets. The poor love is tucked up in bed with a hot water bottle.

Apparently there's a viral sickness bug going round - Camz, I hope you feel better soon!

Well done on all the fancy dress efforts! My friend used the zip face prosthetics last year and even grew a beard so he could shave off the 'unzipped' bit - it looked seriously creepy! No dressing up for me this year but I'll have to dig out one of me doing the Zombie Barcrawl in London last year. We bought proper makeup artist blood which was like a syrup and it just clotted up beautifully! I made some Japanese tourists scream so I consider it a success!

Felix - you've given me real craving for sweet potato now. I might have to have one for dinner tomorrow.

Hmmm maybe I need to look into this 30 Day Shred thing... It sounds like absolute torture though! Great effort to all those sticking with it!

Night night lovely people. Speak to you tomorrow xxx
Oh Emily well done for taking such good care of him. Hope he is better soon

Laura, feel better. We are a sickly bunch aren't we? And with all the fruit and veg we eat you'd think we'd deflect most things! (in my head fruit and veg kill bugs....)

Sammy, I'd already used my syns up, some on chocolate. I just decided to watch downton and knit. Then I realised Nate ate my banana so I still had a banana to eat, had a yogurt, pear and banana, not had any fruit today, just lots of veg so feel all good now :) got a good amount of my jumper done too.

I'm trying the sweet potato curry tomorrow for tea. I hope it is good. I really want to have sw chips with the curry sauce for lunch but two lots of curry and potato? Hmm, dunno if it is a good idea!
Well I've been up most of the night vomming et al, and I feel horrific!! Xxx

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