Wow ladies! I don't come on for two days and theres 15 pages to try to catch up on! Can't get through them all so the bits that I did catch...
Jess... WOW! What an amazing story and photos! You look so different and are truly amazing!
Claire, I think taking two weeks off SW to start exercise is a great plan! I've got the next 2 weigh ins off and started the 30 day shred this week. After 4 days I already lost an inch and a half from my hips! Though my weight has maintained so far. I had two days off of it As I've been moving my mums stuff into a bungalow for her whilst she's in hospital and haven't had the time to do it, but got back on it tonight for day 5. I'm going to do two solid weeks of it and see if the weight loss starts up again and if not I'll stop for a bit because I want to make sure I've lost 3.5 lbs at least by time i go back to weigh in to get my 3 stone award (which will be a total of 4 and a half stone lost since having jack!). It's hurt a bit tonight doing it As it had got a lot easier by day 4, but sure It will get easier again

I just don't want it jeopardising my losses!
Been crazy busy these past few days trying to sort out a house move for my mum whilst shes still in hospital. It's quite stressful and we had one day off plan yesterday because I was shattered and really wanted a treat, so we got a meal deal from tesco and had lasagne, buttered veg and chocolate tart for tea yesterday with a bottle of red wine, then promptly passed out! I've got an eye infection and a cold so I feel like crap too and so does ben as he's got a cold and poor jacks routine is out (especially with the clocks going back last night!) I couldn't understand why he was screaming and crying at 5:30pm As it's not like him at all, he's usually so happy, then I realised that this time yesterday was 6:30pm and he was hungry and wanted to go to bed! Any idea on how to get him back to a 6:30 bedtime? Do I just need to keep him up a little longer each day to get him back to it or will he naturally adjust? I felt so sorry for him, he was so upset. It's the first time he's really cried like that because normally I know what he wants before he has to let us know, but I've been so busy with mums house move that I didn't even think about the clocks changing, so I've been a nasty mummy today
Anyway hope you ladies all had a lovely weekend! I'm back on plan today, the only problem is my antibiotics have to be taken an hour before food and two hours after food, so I can't snack, can only eat at certain times to make sure I fit all my antibiotics in and it's a right pain when I'm trying to focus on everything else! Plus I like to graze throughout the day too
