20 somethings

Such a busy day at school today! Glad to be back but I was famished by lunchtime and i only had pear, orange and some soup. Waiting on my OH to collect me now and I am famished!

Going to make the SW friendly pasta bake that my OH loves.. So so quick and easy!! Then I have to boil the bacon joint that I have and get ready for tomoros dinner.

The two interns I met have been lovely.. Two new friends I thinks!!
How much are those sausages in tesco? They are on offer atm in asda two for £3 tempted to try but never tried anything vegetarian before
Evening ladies, I'd also recommend the 30day shred though I'm far too much of a wimp to last through 20 minutes of Jillian haha!

Made it to the gym

1. Treadmill - 3.6km - 25.37minutes (did this as the couch to 5k week 2 prog)
2. Cross trainer - 0.46km - 8 minutes (pathetic)
3. Arm spinner - 1.89 km - 5 minutes

1. Lateral Rower - 20kg-30 reps for both arms. 15 reps on 15kg for left arm then a further 15 at 20kg
2. Chest Press - 20kg - 12 reps. 30kg -8 reps.
3. Leg Extension -30kg - 24 reps.
4. Inner thigh - 30kg -24 reps

Enjoyed it and was pleased that I got further than usual on the treadmill. Having the couch to 5k playing definitely helped.
The couch to 5k is really good. I IDed it and it really makes it managable and interesting.
And what you managed wasnt pathetic at all so no bron hard on yourself.

Christie, they were just £1 last week. Hope they are this week because i am going to stock up. Gave mum a bit to try and she liked it too. She said it tasted like faggots but i never liked them so I wouldn't know.

Hope everyones hungry tums are now filled. Nate ate his dinner and then demanded more twice so that cut down my portion somewhat! Piggy boy.

Got a call from someone at group, their friend needs to rehome 4 Japanese quail. We're going to become a quail rehoming centre at this rate!
Couch to 5k is fab, I built up from not being able to run to the end of my garden to completing a charity 5k in about 35mins with only 2 tiny walking breaks. Only problem I had though was not having the correct shoes and gave myself a stress fracture in my tibia! Wouldn't recommend it (the fracture that is- would def recommend the couch25k!) Would love to do it again though (minus the broken leg) so think when I've got a bit of cash saved will get properly analysed for a decent pair of running shoes. Just in from work,how is it only monday?! I'm shattered! :(
Yeh I hope I can build up to 5k soon...my problem is I have absolutely no patience and want to be able to run it now haha!

Going to go to the gym tomorrow, have booked the day off work simply because I have the 6 week block coming up. I'm sort of stressing over it as it's been so long since I've had my own class...I'm almost scared I don't know what to do so I'm going to take this week and try to get my head round things. I'm such a moan when it comes to working but it's really stressing me out at the minute and I don't even know why!
I'm taking Primary 5 so 8 and 9 year olds, it's a nice age group...I'm always just so scared of not doing a good enough job, ya know? I swear that's my biggest fear, being thought of as a failure. It's ridiculous and completely irrational but I can't help it!
How's you? Nate up to any mischief today?
What's everyone's plans for tomorrow?
Evening girls, I'm just watching a film with the mister and thought I'd pop on to say hello.
School run in morn Jenna then coming home, house work, pick Bonnie up from nursery at 11.30, taking her to doctors for her very belated 2-3 year check up. Then nothing till Lil needs picked up at half 3. But it's Lily's parents evening tomorrow night so I'm excited and nervous to see how she's settled in to reception!! X
It's not irrational. I think everyone feels like that at times. Is this the school you have subbed for before? Hun, if you werejt good enough you wouldn't keep getting work :) lovely age group. I don't qualify for training for that age group because my degree isn't for primary age so I can't specialise. If i go for primary it'd have to be early years specialism... Exeter makes you have to have a specialism. BUT losing weight is making me more confident to go for secondary school training. Eep.

Umm... No real adventures of wonderboy today. He was cute at covering my dad with a blanket and giving him his teddy when he laid down to nap. Haha. Then he carried my new perfume upstairs. Haha. Oh, this morning he did run out of the front door and down to the pond before I caught him when we were taking out the rubbish. He did get yelled at for running off and a smacked bum. He was all shy with nana and gaga but he seems to have recovered. He did get a packet of "sweets" and I told him no, not before dinner, so he then took them to gaga, who goes "oh do you want me to open them?" Luckily I was in the room to say he wasn't to have them. So at 19 months Nate has already twigged he can play my dad! He did get them after having 3rds of dinner and a banana. Piggy.
Ahaha that's brill, he's a fly wee thing already-love it. That's what gran's and grandad's are for...to do all the things your mum won't hehe. At least that's what mine did :D

That's annoying about the specialism, we only specialise over here in the 4th year of our degree...I picked Early Years...it was only when I had the early years last year that I realised they're not my thing haha! I can teach any primary class and can teach science to A level (by law, I wouldn't have the actual knowledge to do it) as that was the main subject of my BEd.
Yeh I've worked in the school before, the most annoying thing about the whole situation is that a school I LOVE and I mean LOVE phoned me today and offered me the same period of work but obviously I can't take it as I'd already committed to the other, apparently jobs are like buses, none come along for ages then 2 at once!
Hi everyone, you will be brilliant Jenna! I have a confession to make! I didn't go to the gym...BUT I am off for a run now, and here is the proof!!

See you on the flip side!! Xxx

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hey girls!
well done on the run camz! really should get back into it but not sure this artic weather is a good time to start!
Jenna, such a shame about that job, they are obv still thinking of you so fingers crossed something will come your way from them after christmas!
Jess- how exciting, first parents evening! I cant wait till my youngest charges first one later this month! will be nice to find out what he actually does as he appears to forget everything thats happened all day as soon as he leaves the classroom lol!
Fran, Nate sounds like such a little pickle :)19 months is a great age, toddlers have always been my favourite age to look after, they change so much in such a short time and really take everything in, its great fun!
tata- 4 syns is nothing really, 1 less for the next 4 days :)

I expect this will probably come back to bite me on the bum later in the week but dare i say it..? im in the zone and doing well this week (im well aware its only monday lol, i mean since weigh in thursday when my new sw week starts!) other than my cookie wobble last night, which were my only syns of the day outside of my 2 syn dinner (I counted 10 for the cookie just incase!) and I really think that having little one at school full time will do me HUGE favours in the stress eating department! usually he gets in at half 1 and is a pain in the backside till we go and get the older one, then i stress out as soon as we get home and snack on rubbish! today i had no desire to snack at all, and because i dont have to be at school for 1, i can have lunch when it suits me! woohoo if i stay in this mindset this then target here i come!!! :) only syns ive had today were on a small glass of wine, and by small i mean half a small measure topped up with soda so probably not even 3 syns worth. :)
Yay! So glad you're 'in the zone', Scarlett. It really makes you feel good just to know you're focussed. I know it definitely improves my mood if I'm on plan as I feel like I've achieved something :)

thanks hun, its about bloody time i was back on it properly! think the "p.s next year yeah ;) ) in my anniversary card has got me excited and im looking forward to whats to come :)