20 somethings

Franalamadingdong said:
Oh oh, before you go... For scarlet... Slippy fingers given her vaseline-state...

Haha sounds a bit rude! Mind in the gutter!
Hahaha I'm The Flash! That really made me laugh!

Early nights all round - just sneaking to bed myself!

Had a quick blitz through what I've missed and will rejoin the AMAZING banter tomorrow!

Night night girlies!xx
Franalamadingdong said:
Lol scarlet, got to be a bit rude! My phone wouldn't let me post it earlier because there were so many posts so quick.

Night night all you sleepy heads. I have weigh in in ze morning.

Good luck!! Xxx

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jessikahlashes said:
I am also a sucker for a gaz, I saw him in the metro centre and he went down the escalator behind me and I was trying to act cool and calm haha x

LOVE Gaz, he is fit!!! Have to say James is an utter cutie like! Xxx

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tatabubbly said:
Ah ladies so much to read..

Anyhoo.. Sts this week! Fecking annoying.. Had a sneaky piece of scone bread... Wipe the slate and tomoro is another day!

Watching geordie shore atm.. Makes me want to move to newcastle...

I know it's not what you want to hear, but at least you didn't put any on!

I love Geordie shore, I'm from the North east and Newcastle is by far the best night out ever!! Xxx

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Ah one minute it was 4 pages to catch up on come back after dinner and another 11 :/ lol

Good luck for wi tomorrow fran

Unlucky on sts but much better than a gain and you didnt go crazy afterwards so its all good, should get a loss next week if you stay on track
AAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHH!!! Ladies, OH has just made the official suggestion of moving in together, and said "I know you will say your worried about when your work contract runs out, but I was thinking and so what! Part of being a couple, a loving couple means so what if one month I pay both shares of the rent? I think it'll be time to be getting a joint account anyway!!"

It's a long time coming, and still a long way off, BUT I am soo happy and excited! Feels like we are finally taking the big step I've been waiting for!! Eeeeek!!!!

Night girls! Xxx

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Yay nice end to your day cam, the good think about living together for me is that all money earnt becomes 'our' money regardless of where it comes from and I like that, its almost like we are married already

Haha fran you can look as innocent as you like, I saw plenty of input from u too lol
Thing* touch phones :/ pain in the butt