Well done jenna. It is hard to break a habit.
Scarlet that is so lovely.
last year we got out decorations we had as kids and when mum and dad first got married so some are over 30 years old. I did have to create a wee decoration hospital. Haha.
Oh, I forgot to say re:Christmas, on the actual day I am Flexisyning for 50 syns. They may or may not be saved from the week, I haven't decided but breakfast is always smoked salmon scrambled eggs, a heb of toast and a glass of champagne.
and no doubt, before I go to bed I will have an ameretto hot chocolate
Xmas eve is always fish pie (sw friendly) and mum's sticky ftoffee pudding but I dunno if she is making it this year
Ah thankfully my weigh in day has been moved from boxing day to my birthday on the Friday (i weigh in the morning)
My brother said to my mum he might get me a cake book, which proves how little he notices! Made me laugh though. Fool.