Wow I haven't been able to log in for a couple of day but it looks like I've missed loads!!
Congrats on those who have been nominated for their groups woman of the year award, what great news and you must feel so good!! Fingers crossed you both win and you'd both get my votes as you're doing so well.
Also well done on the losses posted in the last couple of days

I had WI on Tuesday night this week and lost 1.5lb so am really happy with that after a 1lb gain last week. I am still motivated and will keep going but I find it hard sometimes in group when someone who started the same week as me and one the week after have both lost twice as much as me in the same time so I’m feeling a bit :sigh: about it, I know I shouldn’t compare as everyone loses at different rates and I am pleased for both of them but I want to see some better results for me as even when I stick 100% and I exercise hard 3-5 times a week and only lose around 1lb or 1.5lb a week and in seven weeks (with a blip in the middle as I lost a very close family member so priorities and options changes and gained 2.5lb over 2 weeks) I have only lost 7lb in total. So still have 5st to go.....
@CH2b – May is quite soon and will be here before you know it but if you stick to plan 100% you will see results and who knows how big they will be, plus if you speak to the people in the wedding dress shop before you go in they should be able to help you as I know quite a few larger brides that have got married in the last couple of years and had no issues in the right shop. It’s great that your partner loves you no matter what and makes you feel good about yourself, that is so important as I had a ex who destroyed my confidence and kept telling me I was fat even when I was a size 10!! No wonder I put on so much weight with that idiot ruining my confidence lol. I also know what it’s like to work somewhere you hate, not my last job the one before, I worked with some really nasty people and hated it so leaving there was a great feeling, all I can say is rise above it and remember you don’t have to like your colleagues so when you leave you will never have to see them again.
@ Franalamadingdong – hello and welcome to this thread, you’ve done brilliantly since the start of the year so this looks to be really working for you and I look forward to hearing any motivational tips etc that you can share with us
@tryingtolose – Sorry to hear of the rubbish time you’ve been having recently so I hope things can get better for you soon and don’t worry about the gain as it’s only small and you can easily get it, and more, off again. Staying motivated is hard but when you see the scales go down again and once your personal life gets a bit better I am sure you’ll be inspired again. In the meantime do you have a particular favorite ingredient? If so we may all be able to share some recipes with you to help you want to keep going.