20 somethings

My OH has agreed that when I get to 2st loss I can go to hairdressers to have my hair coloured properly and cut as a treat, would you believe ive only ever had my hair cut by a proper hairdresser once in my life!
Ooh lovely! I used to get my hair coloured and I absolutely loved it. It's so relaxing compared to doing it yourself! I couldn't justify keeping it up these days as I have an expensive hairdresser but she's worth it. That sounds like a great reward!
Good morning everyone! Welcome back Jenna!! Can't believe I slinked off to bed last night and missed a bit of poo chat, I'm always partial to a poop debate. Hope all is good this morning, meant to snow all day today here, the paths have been ice for 3 days now so snow will be better, I find myself watching elderly people and worrying like crazy that they are going to fall xx
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Theres a place in wales by where I used to live that do everything for £9 each thing, so £9 for cut, blow dry and style, £9 for colour (extra 9 for long hair) so should only work out at 27 max and they are really good
Have all u teachers managed to get snow days? Everywhere in the west mids and wales seems to have it!
It's stopped snowing here (Leeds) but it is absolutely freezing! Luckily I have mushy pea curry for lunch to warm me up :)
Theres a place in wales by where I used to live that do everything for £9 each thing, so £9 for cut, blow dry and style, £9 for colour (extra 9 for long hair) so should only work out at 27 max and they are really good
That's really good! I pay that here for a cut alone without colour, I've decided to grow my hair out and go back to my natural colour.. Blonde!! X
It's stopped snowing here (Leeds) but it is absolutely freezing! Luckily I have mushy pea curry for lunch to warm me up :)
Lucky you! Still going strong here in Whitley bay! I want to try that mushy pea curry! Is it lush? I dont like mushy peas but I've been told from other mushy pea dislikers that you can't even taste them xx
its still snowing here to in Milton Keynes! been sent home from work =] school closed because of the snow lol xxx
Its still going strong here in brum, hope I cant get home monday for work lol
I am in Warwickshire and it's pretty snowy!!!

Still no poo....(thought I would revive the poop chat) x


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For people that have lost loads of weight already, please tell me you had the occasional blow out day. As I have a few friends coming over this evening and just feel like letting my hair down before getting right back on it again tomorrow....

Basically, I need you all to tell me it's fine to eat chocolate for one night only (lol)

if you are going to get back onto into straight away tomorrow then i can not see it being a problem...in my whole 10 weeks of dieting i am had a small blip on a saturday and that was because me and the other half had a argument! haha sad i know but it was my 4th week so i hadnt learnt to not go to food when i was feeling down =[

so if you are 100% starting tomorrow morning i think you will be fine xxx
Thanks hun, almost feel like I am letting myself down by having a little treat tonight. But I am determined to lose the weight so will be back on it tomorrow.

I have just eaten 2 mini eggs for 1.5 syns. What a lame way to use syns!

The snow is back wahoo :)

Middy if you are getting straight back on it then enjoy your blow out. One bad meal won't make me far just like one good meal won't make you skinny ... or something like that haha
Hey ladies,

It's been a while since I posted but as I had a little free time I thought I'd pop in and say hello and wish you all a belated happy new year :)
I'm jealous of everyones snow. Middy, look up Flexiday/ flexisyns. That may help you. It is my slimming world birthday today which I just realised. I should have cake. Lol. I've had days where I haven't been 100% at those times i ask myself if I will be happy to not lose weight that week, and am I going to enjoy myself. I've had weeks where I had pizza and a scoop of ice cream when out. I enjoyed it verily, I was ok if I gained that week. It turned out I had a good lose. I was sensible and fitted in some extra walking (not loads more) and everything else was 100% and I had about 5 or 6 syns a day the rest of the week. The idea of slimming world is to swap you on to healthy eating, but you can have meals out and extra treats on special occasions, you just can't go doing Flexi-weekends every weekend. Haha

Hey star love :)
middy dont feel bad abou having a bad day... you cant deprive yourself of "bad foods" because sometimes that is what makes you go off track... have you blow out and wake up tomorrow with a fresh SW mind and you'll be absolutely fine =] xxx
Hello everybody haven't kept up with the posts but hope you're all well.

Out snow started about half 8 this mornin, kids were in, we'd a lovey morning in the snow. Then they could go home after lunchtime, some parents didn't get the message so they stayed til 3.30, and I'm on my way home now. Aw it was so lovely in the snow with them!

I'm stickin to the tube this evening in case the buses are held up.