20 somethings

Can everything think light and fluffy thoughts for my weigh in tonight? Like clouds and marshmallows....mmmmm - marshmallows! Haha!

Seriously i am stressing cos of switching to evening weigh in too!

In other news look at this whopper of an icicle on my roof!


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Can everything think light and fluffy thoughts for my weigh in tonight? Like clouds and marshmallows....mmmmm - marshmallows! Haha!

Seriously i am stressing cos of switching to evening weigh in too!

In other news look at this whopper of an icicle on my roof!

Haha and me too...I've had a really good week but couldn't resist a bacon butty (white bread!) bought by my boss after we all shovelled the school grounds this morning, then had 3 BICCYS...what is wrong with me!! Does anyone this this will affect my WI as it isnt very dense food, but is quite high in syns?? X

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Hiya everyone! Ordered some new trousers that came today as my ones are getting really baggy! Ordered both the size I was and the size I am and the were both too SMALL I thought that with losing nearly 2 1/2 stone my clothes would be smaller and they're not! Having a I don't wanna do SW day today :(
Don't worry about what dress size you are. I lost 2.5 stone before I went down a size.

Great news! I'm just home from WI and lost 4.5lb!!! Got SOTW too! Yay me! That's 8lb in two weeks of the 16lb I gained. I'm halfway back to where I was.
You will be fine Laura love :) just make sure you count the syns so it doesn't bite your bum nice week :)

Elle what a whopper. We have had some sleet. It is supposed to snow tonight but I'm not holding my breath. I will send fluffy cloud weight thoughts to you. I swear Laura is my good luck charm. Haha.

I will count the syns but may have to be slightly flexible as my new week starts tomorrow ;-)

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Don't worry about what dress size you are. I lost 2.5 stone before I went down a size.

Great news! I'm just home from WI and lost 4.5lb!!! Got SOTW too! Yay me! That's 8lb in two weeks of the 16lb I gained. I'm halfway back to where I was.

Wooooop!! Brilliant loss...would love to lose even half of that tonight Mandy...sounds like your really back in the swing of things!! X

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I totally am! I cut out treat night, you see. I used to come home after WI and have myself a munch in front of the TV or a fatty meal. But I didn't do that last week, and obviously it's carried forward into this one. Not expecting quite that much off next week, since I'm probably only having the big losses due to restarting, but hopefully 2lb is very acheivable!
Evening lassies, hope you are all gooood! Have u all had a good day? Mandy well done on the loss you little tinker!! Also Emily about the implant, I'm thinking of having it removed and trying something else as I can't be bothered to be like this and I'm getting headaches with it! Xx
Well done mandy! That is fabulous! And well deserved :)

Hehe Laura, you minx

Holly, don't be so hard on yourself. You are doing really well. I found that sometimes my old stuff was too big, but trying stuff on in the size smaller was too small, sometimes even the same size was. To be honest I had stretched out the old stuff when it would have been too small. The more you lose you will find yourself picking out clothes and shop assistants telling you off for them being too big, taking the clothes off you and coming over with smaller stuff. That happened the autumn just gone past, after a week where I felt massive and rubbish. Don't lose hope :)
Hello all!

Yay Emily! Great news.

Jess I've bought the ingredients for these enchiladas, had to get cannelloni, are they about the same size? Excited to eat them :)
Thanks fran and mandy makes me feel a lot better :)
Im having just chicken, veg and gravy tonight, I aint having potatoes as I dont want to syn them lol will just pile up on veg instead, ive had a sandwich using both heb as I could only get an 800g loaf instead of a 400g and used half of a hea on milk for a cuppa the rest is in a jug in the fridge for later so doing well in that way, hoping for minimal syns and theres nothing in the house that I can snack on so should be fine lol at least if I can keep it at 3lb gain (or lessen it if a miracle happens) I wont be completely back to the start and can start on a good note for next week

Will be interesting to see how doing the shred will affect my weight loss, will have to measure in the morning
We've had steak and salad tonight with a glass of red wine as a treat. If I wasn't on SW that would've been a Korma/passanda with pilau rice, naan, chicken pakoras, the works! It was perfect. Felt really indulgent but all on plan.
Aww star *squish* how did your WI go?

Glad it helped holly, honestly the day with. The sales assistant followed a cruddy week. She told me off for getting 16s (which I am) and said she was a 16 and my waist was a lot narrower than hers and some of the brands I picked out were generous in sizes. Honest, no one has ever said any part of me was narrower than anything else before - even a bus! My mum was laughing at me because my jaw dropped open. I'm so classy. And just before Xmas I rang a shop to ask for a coat to be put to one side, when I told her the size she said she'd put the smaller one to one side too! I never ever ever thought that would happen, when I lost 2 stone and my size 22s didn't look big on me it was pretty depressing. Now my 18s are too big and I only have 1 pair of jeans that fit and don't fall down. Helpful when you have a toddler who likes pulling down bottoms and pulling up tops...