20 somethings

Oh Harley - maybe something to talk to your doc about? My mum was put on antidepressants that caused weight gain and they ended up causing her bulimia to resurface. When they realised they gave her something else.

Been out at the pub all afternoon for a leaving do, but ate lunch before I left and stuck to diet Pepsi. Convinced my mates to get takeaway Nandos and head back to our flat, so I had 3.5 syns of butterfly chicken with salad and weighed out a small glass of red wine for 4.5. Feeling virtuous compared to what could've been in t'pub!
Hello ladies, hope you are all good, sorry I've been gone a couple of days, how's things? Have had a quick skim through but can't post back to everything to really sorry to those I don't!!
Sammy I am so sorry to hear of your loss and thinking of you and your family, you look truly beautiful in your dress!
Camz so pleased for you being in the new place!! Is it amazing?
And also well done to everyone on the amazing losses!! See fran I knew it would be a goodun this week, balls to fish and chips!
I decided I was going to finally take the plunge into the crochet world, my grandma bought my a crochet needle and stuff so have literally spent the past hour or so in bed with my stuff watching YouTube videos and cursing at the ladies trying to teach me as I keep getting it wrong. I've forgotten what the difference stitches are called now but so far this is all I've done lol. Oh and also had a hair drama when trying to strip the black from my hair. The result, foul! Bright orange and not at all the look I was going for, the colour build up on my ends of black just won't budge either so today dyed the orange bits brown in the hope I can cope and live with it like this until it grows out! Sick!! Drama of the hair!! Xx


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harley you do need to chat to your drs, if you eat meals at the same time as your family that'll discourage meal skipping whether by accident or otherwise.


Oh Jess I have heard of the orange strip before. Hopefully you can gradually lighten it over the next few months.

I managed to do success express properly today. tomorrow is the curry feast! HUZZAH! excitement! the next day is roast dinner, then the next is the 3 course meal for mum's birthday. (herby cheesy souffle-hea, lavender duck- few syns, not calculated yet, chocolate orange and cardamon mousse-4.5 syns) yummy

Saw les mis, then when I was in the loos I caught sight of myself and FINALLY saw what other people see. haha. It was a bit like seeing someone in a different context from how you know them and it takes a while to recognise them. I did take a picture. HAHA. but it was face on, and it was the side view that made me go "oh!"
harley you do need to chat to your drs, if you eat meals at the same time as your family that'll discourage meal skipping whether by accident or otherwise.


Oh Jess I have heard of the orange strip before. Hopefully you can gradually lighten it over the next few months.

I managed to do success express properly today. tomorrow is the curry feast! HUZZAH! excitement! the next day is roast dinner, then the next is the 3 course meal for mum's birthday. (herby cheesy souffle-hea, lavender duck- few syns, not calculated yet, chocolate orange and cardamon mousse-4.5 syns) yummy

Saw les mis, then when I was in the loos I caught sight of myself and FINALLY saw what other people see. haha. It was a bit like seeing someone in a different context from how you know them and it takes a while to recognise them. I did take a picture. HAHA. but it was face on, and it was the side view that made me go "oh!"

Oh fran the next 3 days food made me dribble abit!! Sounds amazing! What was les mis like? I watched the impossible tonight and cried from start to finish, literally! So glad you are finally seeing how amazing you look, you're a complete inspiration to everyone and look FAB!! X
Thank you darling! Oh I can't watch the impossible, it's still too soon I think... and because someone from here died in it, and a few friends and friends of friends were out there a the time I couldn't see it.. I well want to watch the great and wonderful OZ. It looks brilliant! Les Mis is great, utter blub fest though. I knew a lot of the songs already from choir but seeing them in context. Russel crowe I was really shocked by how well he sings! anne hathaway is stunning, and there was lots of lush hugh jackman being lushful. I was thrilled. haha.

The three days food is dribbleness, but it's why I wanted a few careful days, even though they are all SW friendily I want to be careful.
Thank you darling! Oh I can't watch the impossible, it's still too soon I think... and because someone from here died in it, and a few friends and friends of friends were out there a the time I couldn't see it.. I well want to watch the great and wonderful OZ. It looks brilliant! Les Mis is great, utter blub fest though. I knew a lot of the songs already from choir but seeing them in context. Russel crowe I was really shocked by how well he sings! anne hathaway is stunning, and there was lots of lush hugh jackman being lushful. I was thrilled. haha.

The three days food is dribbleness, but it's why I wanted a few careful days, even though they are all SW friendily I want to be careful.

Oh fran so sorry to hear that, I didn't know, that's awful, it really is so sad.
Hugh jackman is yum, have to agree! Il have to see it! Do you have any tips on crocheting fran? You're a dab hand at all this aren't you? I feel like a complete moron trying to learn haha! X
It's alright. The people I knew were fine. only the couple from lyme I know that died. And I didn't know them, know them. It was just such a tragedy and it is only a few weeks after 8 years from when it happened it just seems far too soon and raw.

I did it with a crochet workshop book, about £5 from the book people. I've only done a few different squares. The granny square was the easiest for me. But I'd say walk before you can run, can you make a chain? at what point from the chain to the next stitches do you struggle? You are definitely not a moron. Personally I prefer knitting. I still have to pay attention when I crochet!
It's alright. The people I knew were fine. only the couple from lyme I know that died. And I didn't know them, know them. It was just such a tragedy and it is only a few weeks after 8 years from when it happened it just seems far too soon and raw.

I did it with a crochet workshop book, about £5 from the book people. I've only done a few different squares. The granny square was the easiest for me. But I'd say walk before you can run, can you make a chain? at what point from the chain to the next stitches do you struggle? You are definitely not a moron. Personally I prefer knitting. I still have to pay attention when I crochet!

I mastered the chain but moving from the chain to the single crochet like going through the chain stitch and the whole going through 2 loops has me absolutely baffled, I just got mardy and packed up for the night haha x
For me it is, but that's what I have most experience with. crocheting is quicker though. Look up "granny square" and try that. it is the easiest thing to do. but the crochet workshop is a really good book.


Thanks fran will look that up, will try and get the book as I'm determined to learn! I'm going to hit the sack now as I'm knackered but speak tomorrow xxxx
I've been buying that new magazine, knit & stitch I think its called?! I remember my nan teaching me to knit when I was a child but I've never been able to cast on or off by myself lol and only know the basic stitch. I thought it would be worthwhile trying knitting again since I need a new hobby to replace my love of baking lol
sounds like a good plan jaybel. I've knitted lots of stuff but recently not been very inspired but i just got


Because Nate's too big for baby knits now and I love knitting stuff for him best of all. I did knit a flower coursage recently, so cute, but nothing big. I need to buy this adding for nate's blanket so I can start crocheting it. I keep putting off buying it for some reason.
Ah girls, I'm staying in tonight, first night on my own in the house.. I've been eating! I'm inside my 15 syns but I'm just feeling so low.
I wish I was with my OH tonight at the wedding, I couldn't cos of work but I feel like he needs the support! Its all his brothers old squadmates,
his brother passed on and he texted to say his mum is really emotional.

Watching OBEM and getting seriously emotional. Sometimes you need a good cry!
Went to bed last night at half 9 with a banging headache, woke up this morning at half 9 with the same banging headache :(
speaking of hobbies I absolutely love jewellery making!! i had to stop it though it got a bit addictive, i was spending upto £60 a month on beads. I was desperate to make it into a busines but then I heard you needed insurance and because I'm visually impaired i have trouble with one bit. you have to leave someroom at the end of the necklace and thread on a tiny 2mm crimp bead, then thread on a bolt ring clasp or a jump ring depending on which side I've done. then thread it back through the tiny tiny crimp bea, pull it so that the crimp sits next to the clasp trying not to have a big gap between the crimp and your beads, then you have to use some pliers to squeeze the crimp together, then you cut the excess off. I did get better with my gaps but sometimes I would end up cutting the clasp off because I was trying to cut off the excess wire. I have loads of necklaces that I've made but I doubt anyone will want to buy them. i buy my beads off the tv its ace!
You never know what people will buy! I say spend a few weeks doing up some jewellery and then once a month rent out a stall at a market... if they don't sell, they don't sell, but at least you'll have tried, and doing it once a month gives you plenty of time to get as many as you'd like done.

Tata, sorry to hear you're feeling so low. Maybe take some time today or tonight and just spend it with himself doing something you don't normaly do.

Jess, I can understand your frustration with the crochet. It took me a week solid to get a square done. As far as the 2 loops go, you can't actually go under the 2 loops until you're on your third row, because when you work your foundation chain (that plait you made) there is only one loop to go through, the top one. However many you chain, you always start in the second stitch (the V) from the hook, because the first one is to get the height of your stitch. So, insert your hook into the second V from the hook, then wrap the yarn around the hook and pull it back out, then wrap the yarn around again and pull through the first loop on your hook, wrap the yarn around again and pull through the second loop on your hook. One single crochet, done. Then insert your hook into the next V and do it all again. Make sure you count each stitch as you do it, to avoid adding or missing some.

Epic sleep last night. I ended up going to bed at 9.30pm, played games on the phone for a while and then settled down to sleep. Didn't get up this morning until 08.15am.