Hey ladies, thanks for the support

I'm 24th just for these 4 houses, and that's it for social housing here

I'm going to have to see if I can be on the Dorset list at the same time as the devon list as there is more housing in lyme regis. It's stupid we have Dorset post code but devon council. It is funny if I walk home I cross counties! For other stuff I'm usually in the 60s or 70s so it is frustrating. I'm just hoping all these other people either find somewhere they can move into before April, can't afford the rent, don't have a local connection etc. I did suggest to the lady she might want to forget to call the others on the list forgetting some people have had their sense of humour removed.
Muzza, it won't be bad for me really. I'll make him a cake and there's a place a few towns over that has zebras and stuff. It is only small but so is Nate. Haha. Just need to work out how to get there. Last year we just went down to the park and he had cake when we got back. And I had A slice instead of half the thing!
Mandy I hope you are feeling better now. Loving the new picture
Ciara! That is massive! You'll be at Target when they get that bad boy out! We had a lady who wasn't losing weight, she finally went to the Dr and she ended up having a hysterectomy because her cyst was so huge. She was a lady of a certain age so they may as well I think she said. I think it was 1.5 stones less she weighed post op! So glad you went back and pushed it. I hope it won't cause any perminant damage to your kidneys.
Christie and Emily I hope your teeth feel better soon. I just have one wisdom tooth (i'm not that wise it seems) and periodically it likes to cut me jaw and cheek raw because there isn't enough room for it. Boots and superdrug or any chemist might stock them too. To be honest they were a bugger for us to find but they do help with gnawing, even if they are like wood!
How was your walk jade? My bum was so much better today we had a tromp round the massive garden and threw sticks for the dog it was lovely.
Tata that is great news. I've never worn skinny jeans (could you imagine the sight!) But I bet you felt amazing!
Laura you naughty girl! I thought you were busy getting used to living with your fella not being a naughty slimmer. Tut tut

well done for getting control back today. Honest I'd be head deep in junk food until I stepped on the scales so I'm really impressed.