Star, half on could be fluid retention. I've found drinking even more water helps prevent bloating and fluid retention. did you do an online shop? Glad you can get deliveries. why not try chicken/turkey pizza. you use a steak or breast, bash it flat, add the tomato sauce, toppings and a hea of cheese and bake in the oven. Serve with sw chips and salad or veg or sw coleslaw. I'm having it on Saturday. nommy. do you have the little book of soups? I made the tomato, veg and lentil one for lunch, it is my favourite, and feels like you are eating stew, so feels stodgey and comforting but it is really good for you. Yes, I know, I'm really boring, but those help me, so they might help you.
Hatwell, I have bad weeks if I don't have a constant 1/3rd with every meal. I dunno how it effects you though. half off is going in the right direction, but it doesn't stop it from being maddening I know. Here's hoping this weekend doesn't derail you.
Well done for making the effort Tata. I'm sure the dog will love you extra for it.
Thanks muzza. I was THRILLED. And so touched by how excited my group was for me!
Emily! YAY for the dress! I hope you've had a good time at the shops and you had a nice dinner at Nandos. Don't worry, we know you are normal and not some kind of crazy to use your words. Is there another group you could swap to? I'm not saying you should change, but if she continues to make you feel uncomfortable it is something to consider. I'd just say "you can see my BMI on your computer, you know my target is within the healthy range for my height, it isn't unrealistic, I've been that size before. If you have an issue with it raise it in private not in front of everyone." My C has become really nice (ever since she got ill again she seems to have renewed enthusiasm and support) and always says our target is for US. As long as it isn't below SW's minimum weights then it is fine. Jab her with your newly skinny fingers. haha.
Hmm Christie, your holiday time is for you, as is your wedding and honeymoon - ok, that's for your OH too, but it isn't for your sister! She can't expect you to have her kids for 2 weeks. I hope you have a nice time tomorrow, despite your siblings! How odd, it is my dad's birthday on Wednesday. It's strange they're so close. Glad your OHs family are lovely.
Haha Harley, you've been nothing but lovely about him!
Lol, we are all syncing. Aunt flo popped by this afternoon. Good job as I was expecting her. It might be why the scan bran filled mum up and not me. I knew I couldn't be that much of a pig normally.