Well done on the losses Camz, Tata and Fran and anyone I missed : )
Lyrically, thank you so much for replying about the Philli Light, I wasn’t sure so this is brilliant and I love how so many of you have been using it any way. I often go to the supermarket at stupid o’clock and love the reduced fruit/salad tubs downside is my will power to resist reduced cream cakes isn’t good lol I hope your WI goes well
Fran I think I would feel the same and it’s true isn’t it, you are still the same person. I think when I lose weight I hope to feel a little more confident and maybe ache less sometimes but I will still be the same person. I get the same sometimes as my driving licence picture is from when I was 17 and I was young and very slim (size 8) so of course it doesn’t look like me now but I have to use it for ID and so often people have said to me things like look how stunning you were and it’s like cheers, thanks for telling me you think I am ugly now!! Idiots.
CH over the last year I brought so many of the books but I haven't really used any of them so I would say unless you know you'll use it then save your money, I wish I had. You can get so many recipies from the website so I know you'll be able to find something from there if you fancy it.
Finally, thank you all for your good luck wishes and congratulation. They’re not until the beginning of April but I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best.
Since leaving group and spending more time on here I have felt so much more supported and positive about SW and have had pretty consistent losses and that’s down to you guys so thank you ladies, I couldn’t do this without you all.