The detectors are cheap enough. I've always had one. They just change colour if there is CO in the air. It's been building up for so long, it has been what his tummy problems have been about too. Thankfully mum was up there last week and she thought his fire looked dodgy and despite his confusion he knew something was wrong and gave my mum a list of phone numbers. She hasn't spoken to her brother in 30 years until now!
That's good danni. Nate has 2 of the smallest ones and we have mini creme eggs and mini caramel eggs, and I have some mini malteser bunnies. Chocolate about the house doesn't bother me, and I got through last Easter just fine. I think it can be an excuse to go mad if you want it to be but, unlike Xmas, there is a lot less of a fuss around it and it is less of a month long eat-a-thon.
Clare that's so lovely and thoughtful of her. Especially as daffodils are hard to get given all the cold weather. We've had some pop up in the garden, but we had no snow.
Sar you are nutty. I'm surprised it will be open, but at least it will be quiet
Have a nice time skinnylegs. People will steal your melon. If 1 person has something different, even if it is fruit instead of pudding you can put your money on at least one other person wanting some!
Happy Easter everyone. I took Nate to see the lambs yesterday and we might go again today if the sun stays out. And the bunnies are in the garden chasing each other. It looks most Easter-y