20 somethings

Im good jenna x glad ur back in the zone, online shopping is far better as u cant see something u werent looking for and just pick it up so should help make better choices and less impulse buying.

Glad u are back with us too, we have a few missing ladies again! I found joanne on a fast diet thread so not sure whether she is still doing sw too, mandys been gone a while and hopefully jess will be back after her op!
Im good jenna x glad ur back in the zone, online shopping is far better as u cant see something u werent looking for and just pick it up so should help make better choices and less impulse buying.

Glad u are back with us too, we have a few missing ladies again! I found joanne on a fast diet thread so not sure whether she is still doing sw too, mandys been gone a while and hopefully jess will be back after her op!

Hiya! I'm still around on the SW boards (where it all happens!) :D but I am indeed doing 5:2 atm xx
Thanks CH2B!
Is 5:2 hard,Joanne?

On the topic of 1D, I love them too! I went to see them in Belfast and witnessed first hand the whole 'Harry picking a girl to take home' from the audience scandal lol! I have to say I was gutted, she was 3 rows behind me...WHY NOT MEEEEE HAZZA?

Everyone's different but no, I find it easy! I had the long weekend off though as it was my birthday weekend but it's going great apart from that. My diary is linked in my sig if you want to know any more! :) xx
Hi ladies. Hope ou all had great weekends. Well done on the losses and welcome back to you girlies x

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So I've been tracking my weight on an iPhone app...just checked my stats for the first time and was told "at this rate you will never reach your target weight" ... Oh yes I bloody will!!

Come on ladies, I know lots of us are struggling at the min but we CAN do this, and we've all proved that with the weight we've lost so far!! And a huge well done to all you ladies who have stuck it out, and continued to lose, you are an inspiration to me and I can't wait to be back in the losers gang!!! X

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Good jo, I tried it with 1 fasting day on tuesday (2nd one will be tomorrow if I carry on) but I hate knowing that just by working im getting rid of at least 400 cals and then only eating 600, just feels a bit weird that u shouldnt eat back those excercise calories so not sure if it will be for me but if I do continue I will probably go about it a different way and fast on the days I work longest so that I can skip brekki and lunch and use them all for dinner and maybe a snack around 3/4 to keep me going, on tuesday I ate back most of my excercise calories so ate around 890 cals so we will see, will have to research it a bit more
I've been reading up on this Christie and apparently the 500 it recommends already assumes you exercise. I think there are ways to work out what your down day intake should be though, it might be worth a look. I'm considering giving it a try but can only get to lunch then once I've eaten I'm like a black hole opening up! X
I think it's because to lose weight the theory is you need to burn more calories than you consume.

So pleased half the week is already over and it's still light at almost 8 O'Clock :)
The body naturally burns calories through the day anyway, apparently I should be eating 2700 calories a day to lose 2lb a week because of how active I am and I work in a standing job so it makes me think about how many calories im burning naturally throughout the day alone and then makes me wonder whether its a bit harmful to only eat 600 calories when they always say u should never eat less than 1200, im not sure about it yet anyway will see what friday brings on wi
Wow in which case that does sound very low. With how little activity I have when I am at work I probably only need 1000 a day lol. I really hope you get some good luck with it, I have to say I am tempted as during the day at work I hardly eat anything thanks to their no food at desks policy and a dirty canteen so maybe it'd work for me though maybe not as I really am not active enough unless walking up and down stairs all the time and cleaning counts :)
Wow in which case that does sound very low. With how little activity I have when I am at work I probably only need 1000 a day lol. I really hope you get some good luck with it, I have to say I am tempted as during the day at work I hardly eat anything thanks to their no food at desks policy and a dirty canteen so maybe it'd work for me though maybe not as I really am not active enough unless walking up and down stairs all the time and cleaning counts :)

I do zero exercise apart from walking to the metro station to and back each day. Lost 4lbs first week and 2 the next :)

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Wooohoooo camz, I feel very empowered after your rant! Was just going to reach for the choccie!! Hell yeah! Grrrrrrr!!!! Xx
Oooo vey scientific weight loss talk, confused me really quick :) hehe.

I haven't been on the boards for a few days star, my dad had an op last Wednesday to remove his prostate after being diagnosed with prostate cancer before Xmas. Easter was hectic to the say the least despite being off work. Thanks for enquiring Hun x

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Thanks El hun. It's been a rotten 2 months but my weightloss is back it seems :) Aunt flo reared her ugly head this morning so I was a big worried my WI would go wonky, but it is all good :)

Laura, you tell that ap it knows bugger all!

Hey Joanne, hope the 5:2 works well for you. God it just sounds baffling to me.

Jo, I hope his op went well and he is home soon. My neighbour had his done last year.
I am sorry to hear that Jo and I hope he has a speedy and succesful recovery.

It puts my worry of never losing weight in to perspective when you see and hear stuff like that and makes me realise I should enjoy life rather than worry about how I look x
Thanks girlies. Was just saying over on my diary he is recovering ok finding it hard to adjust at home with the op related stuff and is in some pain, has been a little bit upset but trying to keep him positive and make sure mum doesn't do too much ( a full time job in itself!!)

I know what u mean star have found it hard to stick to plan with it all going on and was annoyed at myself at first but reflecting on it (with help from my minis friends!) realised that at the mo there is more important things and that eventually I will have time and energy to focus on it again x

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I didn't notice your diary, I shall subscribe :) You definately have more important things to think about now and you will probably lose anyway x

Have just got myself the my fitness pal app and I think it's the most confusing app ever lol