She's gorgeous claire!
Get trying Christie, that's always a fun part
Well we got home from honeymoon last night, jack is at nursery today and ben is back at work. I should have had a lovely day to relax to myself but we got back last night to hear that my dad had seen the state of the house when he came to collect something for my sister and was aparently disgusted... I was so p****d off!! It was messy, I'll grant that, but not dirty, and what did he expect when we both worked up to the day before the wedding, decorated and prepared all the reception venue ourselves, all the while making sure we saw family who travelled to see us, looked after jack, then after we got married we had to clean up the venue all by ourselves the next day, bring everythung back to our house, along woth presents etc, so the house was full to the brim of stuff then do runs to the suppliers to return things, see family before they left again, get packed for the honeymoon all the while with jack running around! The mess was clean clothes that we waahed before we went and then decided not to take (they were still in a pile on the couch as we didn't iron anything, just took them as they were and ironed over there) and a few had fallen or been put on the floor bay jack, empty wedding gift boxes where we had been trying to sort the gifts out before we went and Jack's toys that he had been playing with. We dont have enough room to pack upstairs (plus then you've got to carry full cases down) so we had packed downstairs. Ih, and we had pulled the exercise bike about a third of the way out jnto the room so that my sister could get behind it to get her base unit that ben had fixed for her, so yes, it did look like a bit of a bomb had hit it, but it wasn't the end of the world. If they want me to have a constantly tidy house they could have helped us with some of the wedding stuff (ben and I catered and set up the whole of my dads wedding reception for him and my step mum a few years ago) but they didnt help at all. Ben and I are the only couple in our family where both parents work full time plus look after a baby, so they're comparing me to my step sister who's just had her third child but her and this one's dad dont work and are always at home and so can keep the house tidy between them! Really annoyed! So now this morning instead of going back to bed when ben got up for work and took jack to nursery I coildnt get back to sleep as I couldn't stop thinking about it so ive been cleaning aince 8am and only just stopped now. The actual cleaning of what mess was left didnt take that long but ive had a deep clean, gone through drawers etc and thrown 4 bin bags full of old letters and stuff that we no longer need away. Finally sat down with my first drink of water (cant have a cuppa as, even though it's something I would do for my mum, neither her nor my sister thought to pick us up a couple of necessities like bread and milk for when we got home, so we've nothing in and I'll have to go to town in a bit. Ive finished the cleaning now, washer is on doing some of the washing from holiday and I've got 30 minutes to sit down and have some toblerone I got from switzerland with my cup of water before I go to the chiropractor and then town to buy some maternity clothes and get the fresh stuff from the super market in. Im bloody knackered!
Sorry for the rant ladies. Xx
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