20 somethings

Ah right sorry hunny, my mistake, when you said you were nursing I assumed you meant breast feeding. Hope you manage to get to the supermarket soon! Xx

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Eep! Can't wait to see her! OH is super broody at the moment. He and my brother keep talking about it. Let's just get moving house and getting married out the way first..!
Hope this works!

Woohoo they worked!

Had a total crappy day today SW wise. Joe made enchiladas for dinner which I'm sure the syns are just off the scale. Back on track tomorrow. Promise!






Awww!!! She is just the picture of sweetness!

Just put my porridge oats in mullerlight ready for the morning. I never usually remember so I'm feeling pleased with myself. :D
She was 4 weeks on Saturday but only 10 days old in those pics. She's just slept all the way through the football as well, angel :p shame about the result!
Aww those pics are gorgeous :) xx
Aww she is just the cutest!! Im so broody right now, honeymoon tomorrow cant wait, may aswell start trying now :p

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She's gorgeous claire! :)

Get trying Christie, that's always a fun part :)

Well we got home from honeymoon last night, jack is at nursery today and ben is back at work. I should have had a lovely day to relax to myself but we got back last night to hear that my dad had seen the state of the house when he came to collect something for my sister and was aparently disgusted... I was so p****d off!! It was messy, I'll grant that, but not dirty, and what did he expect when we both worked up to the day before the wedding, decorated and prepared all the reception venue ourselves, all the while making sure we saw family who travelled to see us, looked after jack, then after we got married we had to clean up the venue all by ourselves the next day, bring everythung back to our house, along woth presents etc, so the house was full to the brim of stuff then do runs to the suppliers to return things, see family before they left again, get packed for the honeymoon all the while with jack running around! The mess was clean clothes that we waahed before we went and then decided not to take (they were still in a pile on the couch as we didn't iron anything, just took them as they were and ironed over there) and a few had fallen or been put on the floor bay jack, empty wedding gift boxes where we had been trying to sort the gifts out before we went and Jack's toys that he had been playing with. We dont have enough room to pack upstairs (plus then you've got to carry full cases down) so we had packed downstairs. Ih, and we had pulled the exercise bike about a third of the way out jnto the room so that my sister could get behind it to get her base unit that ben had fixed for her, so yes, it did look like a bit of a bomb had hit it, but it wasn't the end of the world. If they want me to have a constantly tidy house they could have helped us with some of the wedding stuff (ben and I catered and set up the whole of my dads wedding reception for him and my step mum a few years ago) but they didnt help at all. Ben and I are the only couple in our family where both parents work full time plus look after a baby, so they're comparing me to my step sister who's just had her third child but her and this one's dad dont work and are always at home and so can keep the house tidy between them! Really annoyed! So now this morning instead of going back to bed when ben got up for work and took jack to nursery I coildnt get back to sleep as I couldn't stop thinking about it so ive been cleaning aince 8am and only just stopped now. The actual cleaning of what mess was left didnt take that long but ive had a deep clean, gone through drawers etc and thrown 4 bin bags full of old letters and stuff that we no longer need away. Finally sat down with my first drink of water (cant have a cuppa as, even though it's something I would do for my mum, neither her nor my sister thought to pick us up a couple of necessities like bread and milk for when we got home, so we've nothing in and I'll have to go to town in a bit. Ive finished the cleaning now, washer is on doing some of the washing from holiday and I've got 30 minutes to sit down and have some toblerone I got from switzerland with my cup of water before I go to the chiropractor and then town to buy some maternity clothes and get the fresh stuff from the super market in. Im bloody knackered!

Sorry for the rant ladies. Xx

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That's awful, not what you need at all love - try to calm down if you can. Who cares what the house was like? Why does your dad care? It's not like you messed up HIS house!

Hope the honeymoon was awesome though :)

Back on the plan properly today, no more distractions like crisps and enchiladas. Will have to make both lunch & dinner when I get Eilis down cause I have college tonight and if I don't then I won't eat. She only seems to be able to sleep wrapped in my jumper at the moment though, which is progression to her only sleeping in my arms!

Oh and pomegranates are superfree :)
Yayyy! Thanks, Clare! I was up in town for a briefing this morning and just popped into M&S for something to tide me over. I just wanted a pot of fruit salad but everything had melon in it and I can't stand it. I finally found a little kiwi, mango, pineapple and pomegranate pot though so feeling virtuous. OH tucked into a doorstep chicken and bacon with black pepper mayo sandwich - I might have to make a SW version at the weekend...

Oh Sammy - I know how you feel! I am so houseproud but last year my OH went into hospital for a fortnight while I was on 3 weeks residential training. The operation he went in for had a high risk of permanent nerve damage from the hip down in one leg, so we spent the week running up to it just enjoying ourselves and tidying wasn't high on the agenda. I was driving back from the hospital in Oxford on a Friday night, putting washing on, sleeping, getting up, hanging washing out, driving to the hospital for the day, drive back, sleep, get up, pack, drive to the hospital and then straight back to the course. I was absolutely shattered and nobody gave me a hand. A friend from work was feeding our tortoise while we weren't around, and when I got back another friend told me that he'd commented on the state of the place. The second weekend I stayed up on the Friday blitzing the place because I felt so bothered by his comment. It wasn't by any means dirty, it was just that I was barely having time to sit down so stuff was not being tidied back into its proper place and half my washing was still on the airer. Grumble. Said friend lives with his mum and two sisters and never has to lift a finger so he knows bugger all. And having been round subsequently his room was worse! It still really stung at the time.

Did you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon? How was the grand prix?!
I know, my dad is no saint when it comes to keeping the house clean but he has a wife at home all day every day cleaning up and making his tea ready to be in the table when he gets in so he has no idea what it's like for both of us to be working full time qlone, never mind all the extra stuff we were having to fit in with the wedding! Ah well it's done now :)

Honeymoon was great thanks, done so much walking though! Walked 5 and a half miled in Switzerland on momday and each day of the grand prix we walked at lwast 5 or 6 miles a day too! We thoroughly enjoyed it though :) as soon as I get chance to get on the laptop I'll see if it will let me post photos from there and if not then I'll contact an administrator as its still not letting me through the app and it's really annoying me now lol! Guess it doesn't take much to annoy me these days, im 18 weeks pregnant today and off for some maternity clothes and treating myself for once by hopefully getting myself a new handbag! Mine is yearsbold and is deaded so really is about time I bought myswlf something as a treat for once rather than just something I NEED. Xx

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I'm glad you had a good time hun. Honest as soon as I tidy this place is a mess again due to having a 2 year old! I think it is just me and the woman next door but one are the only women that work out of our 8 houses. And we aren't the ones with gardens full of weeds. Given I come home with stuff being chucked out so I can do it up I think we do ok. I do have a lot of empty boxes on the landing upstairs because I know someone who will be needing them soon as they're moving. I'm still half in new house state as I haven't carpeted the craft room, landing or stairs yet. I have the money to do it, but the money got sent to my parents who still haven't passed it on to me. I've had a pretty full on few months anyway. Hopefully it will be done and in before the end of October. My parents know better than to ***** about it to me and my mun is a bit of a star and does the odd bit of washing up and laundry if it is already in front of the machine. The other mums on my road are just a bit baffled by me doing my own diy a bit off mess doesn't faze them. I'm in a similar situation as you, although I only work part-time it is 4 days a week and it is just me, other than when mum does a bit, considering she lets nate draw on the carpet and windows as much mess is created as she helps with bless her.
I don't think we will ever have tidy hiuses whilst we have children in them! But id rather spend the time with my son when I gwt home from work and he gets home feom bursery than spend it cleaning up, he only has one childhood and if my dad doesn't like that then its tough :)

Baby bump came back today :) (I had been a little worried as it disappeared!) I'd post a pic but the forum is being stupid :( xx

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I think the same way. Today we went to my parents to set everything up for his sleepover, came hom,e he popped up and helped me at work, made lunch, we went to town, went to the hhairdressers where he flirted and got a treat and then passed out until we were finished, left everyone with a big hug, went to see the cement truck, caught the bus home, went to the library bus, read a few books, ran to the park, played, came home, read the new books, watched postman pat , then I did the day's washing up and cooked tea. I could do with vacuuming the lounge before I go but screw it I am tired.