Gold Member
I feel like a baby, hungry every 2 hours. Ha. Had a sausage, onion and mushroom sandwich for breakfast, having mac n cheese for lunch and diet coke chicken for tea. Got to love slimming world.
Thanks fran! I've done abit of research on the Internet and it does look like it may be pox, she has 2 spread on to her chest now which weren't there! XIt looks suspiciously like it. Keep an eye on her and see if it spreads and on Monday call the school to see if there's been any more cases.
She's been fine all day but tonight has suddenly developed the sniffles! Classic pox symptoms isn't it?! XAh yep, poxy child. Good to get it done early at least. How is she feeling?
I know!! The joys, I'm betting lily will catch them too, so far not just one of them has caught something without the other catching it, they are forever cuddling and kissing and sneaking into each other's beds for cuddles in the night lol! They are sitting watching a film at the minute with Saturday night treat, milk and cookies. And I've just had my Big Mac in a bowlYep. You are in for a delightful fortnight! How are you doing?
Tea sounds immense! Girls will be going to bed any minute, they are really tired and they get ratty if they aren't in bed before 8 on a weekend, they go at 7 on school nights, what you got in mind for syns? XAww sounds lovelymy brothers and I went no where near each other but one brother got chicken pox, then the other, then I got it. My poor mum! I love their Saturday night treat. I'm ok. Nate has been horrid all day so I'm glad he's in bed now! I'm just going to do the mountain of washing up - we had roast dinner with 5 veg! This house is going to stink in the morning! Then tidy the lounge and sit back with tea and tv too. I'm just pondering what to use my syns on. I've only had 1 today.
That's some epic choices! Enjoy whatever you pick!! XAye, I hate getting Nate to bed late. Kids do not do lie ins! Tea was immense, but broccoli+carrots+cauliflower+swede+sprouts=poooey! Dunno what I want I have a normal twirl 11.5, multi pack twirl 9, curly wurly 6, options 2, jelly 0.5, merginues 2.5 or 1, skips 4, velvet crunch 4, quavers 4.5, caramel snack a jack big 2.5 and multi pack 5. And I have up to 14 left.