Food planning and food shopping are the prat! I did a food shop today and I've made my lunch for tomorrow, I wish I could master salads the way oh does, he just seems to throw things together and they taste amazing, whereas mine always end up being bit disappointing! Thanks for making me see the positive, I'm glad I haven't out it all back on because I feel pretty crappy at this size so would def feel worse if I was any bigger. I'm definitely feeling brighter, apart from about my weight-I had wanted to lose enough weight for the summer to be comfortable wearing all the brightly coloured skinny jeans I own that are too small, and nice little vests etc, but now I've messed up so much that I'm running round in baggy jeans and hoodies, it's crap! I'm trying to just eat healthily atm rather than any particular plan, I'm hoping that will make me feel less guilty whenever I have meals out that aren't the healthiest etc as il hopefully find it easier to get straight back to healthier eating after. I have a much better relationship with the scales since I started weighing less often-I do actually weigh more regularly now but I see the number as a number, rather than being massively affected by it, it's how my body looks that is bugging me more than the scales atm, so I've probs just moved from one thing to the next lol
Well done on your loss!