I managed to lose 2.2lb's! Miracle!
Hi - ur sounding more positive already and lovely ur can have lunch with ur mates - I used to be a civil servant until I took vol redundancy - I think the promotion scheme they brought in was a nonsense - and I know that others felt the same - setting tests isn't always (if ever) the best way to select staff - there are so many other qualities to consider - also when ppl have other qualifications esp like u with a degree - u've proved urself academically - Heads of Depts weren't consulted prior to the 'reveal' but lots of us made our feelings known but to no avail! Bet they'll do a u-turn on that decision one day - hope so for the staff's sake - rant over! Hope ur fast day is going well - I'm impressed!!
Yeah I'm def feeling better about the whole thing though I'm sure the anxiety will raise it's ugly head again when I get my start date and when I actually leave where I'm at! :-( management in my building are very annoying, it's all very cliquey and they will always back each other up instead of doing the right thing
My fast went well but I'm doing another one today as I went a bit mad yesterday. I'd started weighing myself everyday which il have to stop because obv after a fast day I will b lighter than after a normal day but I get disheartened when the numbers go up and I don't want to get obsessed and end up having more fast days than I should. Finding them easier than I expected though which is good![]()
I managed to lose 2.2lb's! Miracle!
Well done on the fasting - take care with those flipping scales (says she who's a twice a dayer!!) As u say we'd all love what they say after a fast but not when we're eating our cal allowance. Try not to worry about the job change - they wanted u and u wanted it - so after the usual initial awkwardness - u'll settle in well I bet - esp as u'll have escaped ur cliquely management team!! I've been following a girl doing the 5:2 and really interested in it but have failed each time I've tried - but def going to give it another go after my hols - my hubby wants to lose a stone and he fancies it too - so that wd be great to do it with him.
Def have to take care with the scales as I woke up this morning and had sts despite lots of weigh ins to the contrary. I was tempted to throw the towel in and then when I thought about it I had my dinner at about 9pm last night and was also out in the garden most of the day doing work so could have some water retention going on, so I think I'm going to go back to monthly weigh ins. Since I'm doing 5:2 I'm really torn about what to do on my non fast days-lots of people calorie count so as not to undo their hard work, whilst others don't because they don't want to get can't up in that. I'm not sure what to do for the best really.
Your advice on the job is so right, I just need to remember that. At the minute I'm def more excited than nervous, but wait around six months and il probs be on here complaining about how boring my job is etc etc lol.
That would be so good if your hubby was on board with you-mine def isn't and it makes it hard but then it's only for two days a week and then the other two I can enjoy some of what he's having
Yes I think with 5:2 ur weight will fluctuate - but there must be an overall loss after 2 fasts?! I can see the prob with cal counting or not on non fast days - I think when (if?) I do it - I'll start off by counting cals - then try to trust myself to eat healthily - guess the scales and waistbands will let me know if I'm doing it right or kdding myself - have u had a look at the 5:2 threads here to see what others eat and how they measure it? Good luck - I think it's a great diet with lots of health benefits apparently.
I'd say overall there's bound to be a loss as I think when I averaged it out for the week I was on around 1700 per day which would be enough for me to lose.i think I can get away with having around 2000 on non fast days and then 500 two days a week,I went over that a bit this week but il just keep trying.ive been reading the official forums on it but some people are still only having 1200-1500 cals on normal days and for me that defeats the purpose of suffering a fast day if that's all u can have on a normal day.i think it will be trial and error,because the plan is so flexible everyone seems to do it differently so there doesn't seem to be a right and wrong approach,just whatever works for the individual.ive read of people not losing weight but dropping inches so il try to persevere!
Yes keep at it - I think the health benefits alone will be worth it - but we're prob more concerned with what we look like LOL!
Hi quick update a bit late had a hectic week ! Lost 2 lbs which brings my total to 28.5 lbsreally pleased I'm doing something right not been this weight for a quiet few years I usually give up after losing a stone ! Good luck everyone have a good week x
Gah....stuck at home as daughter has chicken pox so to keep occupied we have been baking.....bad idea as I keep picking at it