Silver Member
I'm going to have a rant so here goes ! I have a "friend" who also struggles with her weight but has never done anything about it which is not my business it's up to her . It's her body although she has lots of health issues bad hips knees ....I've not seen her for a while due to us both having other commitments but keep in contact via text messages . I saw her mum and mum in law recently and apparently I have lost loads of weight and look really ill !!!!! I'm fuming just because I've decided to take control and sort out my weight problem and a big part was for health I'm on HRT and was advised by my Dr to loose weight plus I started getting knee problems myself which I no longer have . If I was so ill don't think I'd be able to run 5 miles twice a week and cycle 30 miles ! Sorry for going on but bet I'm not the only one who have had negative comments . My other friends and family say how proud they are of me and how much better I look guess some people don't like it when others succeed . Weight loss is not easy for any of us and is a life long commitment and I am so impressed by anyone who gives it a go to improve themselves so well done fellow membersxx
Sorry you had to endure that,it's so rude! Bet they would never go up to an overweight person and say 'look at the size of you,think what you are doing to your organs,you are slowly killing yourself etc etc' people seem to think it's fine to pass negative remarks to your face when you are losing weight or naturally very slim but they wouldn't do it the other way other halfs sister told me to be careful that I don't become anorexic! I found that such an ignorant thing to say because anorexia is a serious mental disorder,you don't just acquire it because you want to lose a few pounds! I find the most misguided or rude comments come from people who are larger or not particularly well informed about weightloss etc
You should be very proud of your weight loss as well as the non scale victory as a result of it-no knee pain is def a bonus!