Hi everyone,
before I say anything else I'd just like to thank each and everyone of you for your kind words and messages a couple of weeks ago when I decided I needed time away from here. Even though I knew a break was right for me it has been great knowing that there was such a supportive group of people out there.
I'm not sure I'm in a great place right now with regards my attitude and feelings towards my weightloss but I'm certainly in a better place than I was a couple of weeks ago. I gave myself a two week break from dieting, put on 2lbs but in this past week have lost those as I got my head back in the game. As such my details are correct I've lost 12lbs since I started posting on here, 19lbs since I started trying to lose weight in November last year and I still aim to get to my target of 30lbs off.
I've been reading some of the posts from whilst I've been away and the comments about how it's often all the other stuff going on in our lives that impacts on our eating and so we should post about them on here if we feel the need rather than it always being about what we eat, or in most cases what we're doing our dammed hardest not to eat!
In the time I've had away from here I've done a lot of thinking about my life and what I need to achieve to be happy. I have an amazing boyfriend and he does make me incredibly happy but like many people we're working hard and yet often feel like there is just always another bill to pay. We're trying to save to get engaged and married and buy a house and I realised I wasn't being honest with him or myself about how much pressure I was feeling about money management. We spoke about it and whilst there are no magic fixes just saying things out loud made me feel so much better it was like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders (shame it didn't have a impact on my WI!

I'm still worried that I'll keep bobbing around the 16st 3lb mark and that I'll never hit the 15s but I worry about it less and hopefully that can only have a positive effect on my attitude. I think people have said before how obsessed we can get with numbers, my target of hitting 2 stone lost had become all consuming. Now I'm trying to think less about the big picture and just take each week as it comes.
Sorry for my ramblings but I think I needed to get it all out on here to keep moving forward.