I feel like I need to make meal planning some sort of rule,I *know* it works but ive always found it a bit of a chore but really it's not to bad,it's my huffing and puffing the whole way through it that probably makes it worse lol
Haha! I agree, I hate planning out what to eat all week, but then I also hate the decision daily and the hurried trips to the shop, I also hate the cooking part!
First success of the week despite it being cold wet and miserable resisted the urge to grab a hot chocolate at Costa. I find meal planning really useful, not just from a dieting point of view but money wise - we plan each week and have definitely seen a reduction in how much we spend Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Know exactly what you mean - I don't like shopping or planning and I'm a reluctant lazy cook!! On a good week (not enough of those tho'!) I like to choose a few meals with a few ingredients too. I never assign them to days (my life's not that organised!) and they're often meals that will do 2 or more meals like curries, pasta dishes casseroles etc - hubby not bothered about variety either! Hope you both have a good weekxx
Absolutely over the moon to have lost 9.4lbs in my first week!I'm quite shocked, as I feel like I've been eating all week. UPDATED LIST - 12th JANUARY Joanne - pledged 70lbs - lost 0lbs Autumn500 - pledged 42.5lbs - lost 8.5lbs CatA - pledged 56lbs - lost 4.4lbs Jimbob12345 - pledged 50lbs - lost 4.5 Hoz - pledged 42lbs - lost 5.5lbs (36.5lbs to go) sarahslimming - pledged 30lbs - lost 3.5lbs (26.5 to go) Ryan91 - pledged 40lbs - lost 2.2lbs - (37.8lbs to go) eviescott - pledged 10lbs - lost 0lbs Camplestar - pledged 94lbs - lost 0lbs AliceLouise - pledged 70lbs - lost 3lbs bluehere - pledged 60lbs - lost 0lbs choccywoccydooda - pledged 14lb - lost 0lbs catmac - pledged 63lb - lost 1lbs - (62lbs to go) bubble77 - pledged 54 - lost 3.5lbs tink86 - pledged 60lbs - lost 4lbs kaf72 - pledged 32lbs - lost 4lbs Safia - pledged 90lbs - lost 0lbs jacqu79 - pledged 76lbs - lost 9.4lbs (66.6lbs to go) KentCat - pledged 42lbs - lost 3lbs Katsmad64 - pledged 21lbs - lost 0lbs MummySelkirk - pledged 56lbs - lost 0lbs MelonCollie - pledged 20lbs - lost 2lbs Dfleming08 - Pleded 58lbs- Lost 0lbs NannyDoreen - pledged 42lb - lost 1lb - (41 to go) LittleHistorian - pledged 42lbs - lost 0lbs
Same! It's like 'ive been good for a week why can't I have lost two stone already' lolIt was tasty! Keep having to remind myself that it takes time. I keep imagining it to drop off immediately now I'm being good. Lol.
ooooo getting a new pet is so exciting! We sort of jumped into getting our dog but I don't regret it for a second as im so in love with her!In about 6 weeks we're getting a new addition to the family a little kitten we've been to visit this evening. Having costed everything up I reckon I'll lose weight because we won't be able to afford food for ourselves! Lol still very excited Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
In about 6 weeks we're getting a new addition to the family a little kitten we've been to visit this evening. Having costed everything up I reckon I'll lose weight because we won't be able to afford food for ourselves! Lol still very excited
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