2016 - MAKING TIME FOR ME......

Oh lunch looked good I'm starving today I've been starving for the last week lol.


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Morning all. little sir back in nursery until 12 so time for a quick update on here and then I need to get the things ordered for his birthday party :D

firstly I think the Arla bob milk doesn't agree with me....I had crazy indigestion last night and the only thing that was new was the milk, plus we both thought it tasted a bit odd in tea :( so back to semi for us lol. On the upside I saved 4 syns because I couldn't face my chocolate mousse ;)..

Today I'm going red again :stickdance:...I had 2 cold boiled eggs before I took charlie to nursery and I have just demolished 3/4 melon lol... now charlie is back in school my timings look a bit odd but its how it works best for me... I tend to have my lunch about 11:15 so I can eat it in peace before I go and fetch Charlie back...then I have a snack in the afternoon...soooo it should look like this (I think lol)

  • 250ml semi HexA
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • melon
  • bacon
  • eggs
  • mushrooms
  • fresh tomatoes
  • 60g wholemeal cob HexB
  • yogurt
  • Ox burgers
  • onions (0.5)
  • 60g wholemeal cob HexB
  • 30g cheddar HexA
  • actifry carrots (1)
  • salad
so that will be my 2 HexA and 2 HexB and 1.5 syns... I will wait and see how I feel later before I decide how to use some more syns ...
EDIT :- 2 mini choc icecream bars 2x6 syns (12)

weekly syn allowance left ()
Sunday 13.5syns = (91.5)
Monday 6.5syns =(85)
Tuesday 13.5 syns (71.5)
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ok, lunch even earlier than usual...but at least now I have a full tum so I can get on with Charlie things lol... I didn't bother with eggs in the end as I figured I had them for brekkie, good job too as I wouldn't have managed them.
Right I had better go and change my wax and have a quick hoover up before I get off to school :-D


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Calzone looks amazing! Yum. I might have to try that! Are your chips done in the Actifry. I must buy another one. I've left mine back in England :) well done on the body magic, I remember last time when we'd both just got our wiis lol. Weighed in today, another 2 off. Really didn't expect that after a not great week xxx
Morning all... Charlie is in nursery and doing his first full day *eeeek* .... I'm sure he will be fine....that boy just LOVES school... lets see how he feels when he realises he has another 14 years of it :rotflmao:.
Anyway I dropped him off and came home and painted the shelves in his room so as soon as they are dry I can go and get his room blitzed :D.
Well on to food and first things first...last nights burgers, in the end I didn't make my usual burgers I took the doner kebab recipe and used it to make burgers - and I made them just 2oz each so they cooked quicker ..I had mine with fried onions, actifry carrots and some beetroot...I struggled to finish it but for 1 HexA 1 HexB and 1 syns it was fab :eat: . There are 9 burgers in the fridge so I might freeze them up.
I think today is going to have to go green..... only had a banana so far soooooooooo off the top of my head lets go:-

  • 250 ml semi HexA
  • banana
  • jacket potato
  • baked beans
  • grapefruit
  • easy cheesy pasta:-
  • pasta
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • red pepper
  • peas
  • sweetcorn
  • cheese sauce -1 HexA, 1HexB+1.5 syns
  • 2 alpen light HexB
so that will be 2 HexA, 2 HexB and 1.5 syns used...and as always I will decide what to do with the other syns as I go along :p

weekly syn allowance left ()
Sunday 13.5syns = (91.5)
Monday 6.5syns =(85)
Tuesday 13.5 syns (71.5)
Wednesday 13.5 (58)

Nursefoodie -the calzone was sooooo worth it :p , and yep I have an actifry..god I love that machine :roofles:. Well done on the 2lb :0clapper:


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lol.... I love roast carrots ...I was doing hubby actifry chips so whacked em in together....very nice they were too lol.
Keep thinking should I invest in a actifry. Love home made burgers that's what I had last night, I'm on wheatabix an cottage pie today as just had a tooth out ☹️
Shell,,,, I would buy another actifry if this died....even if it was only for chips :p ....It costs me about 1-2 syns for oil but soooooooooo worth it,

Well folks after lunch I went to sort charlies room -so if I haven't burnt some wobble there is no justice....although at least now we have shelf space for all the other games he has down here....seriously , how much stuff can a not quite 4 year old have !!!!o_O


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I have I have heard people say they just spray them with the fry light they are a lot of money my mum an dad had one an it caught fire they went back to a normal chip pan after that.

Rooms looking good my four year old has avengers one side an pink the other the bum deal of sharing with yah sister lol.
Shell... I hate frylight and I have heard that if you use it in your actifry the warranty is void :eek: ...
My mum got me the 2 in 1 and even with a £100 discount offer it was still £180 ...it's crazy expensive but I must admit it earns its keep ;)

Charlie is just starting to get into the avengers but for now at least he can keep the blue scrubbable paint :p..I will change the bedding and so on if need be...much less hassle *shhh*
ooooh dinner done n dusted nom nom nom
1HexA 1 HexB and 2 syns.... how I LOVE green days :greenapple:


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Morning again...
still full of cold but thankfully it's not sending me head first into the fridge ...... another red day here today.. and I actually ate brekkie BEFORE taking Charlie to nursery :wee:....
so I'm thinking it should look like this:-

  • 35g oats HexB
  • 250ml semi HexA
  • banana
  • berries
  • omelette :-
  • bacon
  • onions
  • peppers
  • mushrooms
  • eggs
  • fresh tomatoes
  • buffalo chicken (2.5)
  • 1/4tsp oil (0.5)
  • onions
  • mushrooms
  • carrots
  • 250ml semi hexA
  • 2 alpen light HexB
As usual I will decide what to use my other syns on later when I know what I fancy :D

weekly syn allowance left ()
Sunday 13.5syns = (91.5)
Monday 6.5syns =(85)
Tuesday 13.5 syns (71.5)
Wednesday 13.5syns (58)
Thursday 3syns
ooh and I have hubbies fave under way too....

Slow cooker Goan pork curry
serves 4
0.5 syn per serving on Red/EE

900g pork(fat removed) -I used shoulder -diced
100ml white wine vinegar
2.5 fresh red chilies -deseeded and chopped
1.5tsp tumeric
1tsp yellow mustard seeds
2tsp cumin seeds
1tsp oil
3 large onions - chopped
4 cloves garlic
1" chunk of fresh ginger -grated
oxo cube

Mix vinegar, chillis, tumeric, mustard seeds and cumin in a non metallic bowl and add the pork
stir to coat and then cover and chill over night or for up to 24hrs
tip into the slow cooker and switch on - cook for about 1hr
heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan
add the onions and once coated, sprinkle with a little salt
add the garlic and ginger and cook until the onions are soft and starting to colour
tip the onions in with the pork and add the crumbled oxo cube -stir to combine and then cook until the pork is tender
You don't get a thick creamy sauce its more of a juice -so you can always strain the juice into a small pan and reduce -but I left it in the slowcooker so long that I didn't need to
Its a very distinctive dish and not heavy n rich (the original recipe describes it as having a "hot sharpness") -we loved it -(and I don't even like curry )


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lunch eaten and time to get organised to fetch Charlie from school .... stuffypuddled :p


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Morning morning morning....

Well yesterday didn't go quite to plan...not in the obvious "head in the fridge" way but a combination of this rotten cold and the build up to the time of the month meant that after my omelette for lunch I didn't eat anything for the rest of the day (am I the only one that doesn't turn into pacman and crave junk at this time of the month ??) anyhow, it means that I only used 1hexA+1hexB and no syns yesterday. Not feeling 100% this morning either but I have just had a tin of cold baked beans :whistle:.. figured I needed something and that's what sprung to mind ...I'm pretty good at listening to my body and it wanted cold beans lol...
So I think today will have be Green....
I plan on making my own tortilla wraps this evening , I haven't made em in ages but I'm soooooooo looking forward to them -they are 5.5 syns each but since I used NO syns yesterday and use mine weekly I know I'm fine.... I'm thinking cheese salad wraps and actifry chips :eat:

so my rather random Green day should look like this:-
  • cold baked beans
  • 250ml semi hexA
  • 12 speed stew
  • melon
  • hm tortilla wraps (5.5)
  • 30g cheddar HexB
  • actifry chips (1)
  • salad
so 1 HexA, 1 HexB and 6.5 syns ....I'm going to keep the rest of my syns and hexA/B on stand by until I see how I feel

weekly syn allowance left ()
Sunday 13.5syns = (91.5)
Monday 6.5syns =(85)
Tuesday 13.5 syns (71.5)
Wednesday 13.5syns (58)
Thursday zero (58)
Friday 6.5syns
feeling a bit better and just had dinner mmmm cheese salad wraps with actifry chippies... had 2 wraps but they worked out at 5syns each ...so todays syn count is sitting at 11 -so I have 1hexA and 1HexB and 4 syns left but as I run them weekly I actually have 47 left and only tomorrow to go -now I'm not going to go all oinky on it but at least I know I can use a few extra tonight if I want/need.....
Charlie loves wraps but today is the first time I have made them since we have had him....he was most impressed lol....so much so he ate TWO

weekly syn allowance left ()
Sunday 13.5syns = (91.5)
Monday 6.5syns =(85)
Tuesday 13.5 syns (71.5)
Wednesday 13.5syns (58)
Thursday zero (58)
Friday 11syns (47)


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