2016 - MAKING TIME FOR ME......

ooooh you do have your hands full Shell :eek:

well, you know when you sit down to dinner and ALL of it tastes just right? well that was dinner tonight -right until 2/3 of the way through when CharlieB declared "quick get the splat bowl" (he calls being sick "splatting" lol) and proceeds to 1/2 fill it ... strangely enough I lost my appetite right then :rotflmao:. I'm grateful though that beautiful boy always shouts for his bowl,,, and mainly because he takes after my sister and can be sooooo sick and be as right as rain as soon as he is done -unlike his mummy who wants to curl up in a ball like a baby when she is sick :whistle:. So the dinner I ate was fab ... he kind of did me a favour as I am actually full anyway.
so my dinner cost me say 1 syn.... will have a snacky/treat later to use some more .....
Hope everyone is doing well...


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Yep know that scene very well lol the joys of kids, Arthur normally heads to the toilet but makes it just outside the door. I'm buying a wii tomorrow with wii fit board so hoping to be able to go on that some evenings ( yeah right ) when my kids are not illergic to sleep and I am so fancying porridge on the morning with fruit in its seeing all your pics.
Morning all....just been pebble dashed all the way home lol...bloomin hail stones ..

So then, little man tootled into school all fine even though he was having night terrors on and off through the night :(... he was out of bed full of the joys of spring.... he does a full day today so its a nice break for both of us....

I have just sat with some chopped melon and a cuppa whilst I do my usual ponder about todays food :-D.... I will go RED I think as I have left over roast chicken to use..
sooooooo lets see...

  • Melon
  • 1pt water
  • 250ml semi HexA
  • 3 wholemeal HexB
  • 10g Spread (2)
  • chicken
  • 50g avocado (4.5) -this might change depending on A) if it is ripe enough and B) how much half weighs when I prepare it :p
  • 65g feta HexA
  • salad
  • grapefruit
  • syn free butchers Sausages
  • onions
  • 225g wedges HexB + (1)
  • carrots
  • broccoli
so that covers my 2 HexA and 2 HexB and 7.5syns
looking at the syns I have left ...it will be 69.5 to last Thur/Fri/Sat so I might try and use some more today.... I really want to try and use as close to the 105 a week as I can but I seem to have some kind of block at the minute where come the evening when I would usually get "munchy" I'm actually not hungry and am just having a piece of fruit o_O. I suppose it is better than having no syns and turning into "starvin marvin"

Right I think I'm going to use the peace n quiet to sit and sort out what meal to do next week "whooooop"

Shell - I need to start using my wii...at the minute Charlie has become obsessed with the wii bowling lol.

Syns used (left)
Sun - 15 (90)
Mon - 8.5 (81.5)
Tues -4.5 (77)

Wed -7.5 (69.5)
:woohoo:that moment when your avocado is perfect... ripe enough to eat but not mushy :woohoo:

So lunch is exactly as planned and nomnomnom


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You always make me so hungry I'm having chicken and veg tonight inspired by you lol. An had my porridge an fruit this morning
Sorry Shell :p.... I do like my food lol, I find taking photos makes me pay attention to putting it out nicely too...

Well I'm thinking I might be changing to EE... so I will charge myself 6 syns for my 250ml semi BUT it means I can have more wedges with my sausages and I'm going to have pickled onions and some red slaw for my super free :bunnydance:... I have plenty of syns left over so I don't mind paying for my milk ... Its got really cold here so I'm looking to a plate of yummy warmness :eating:
It's good as it gives people ideas if they can see pics of it. Well I got the wii all set up but was I allowed ago no my son took the controller an my little girl sat on top of my feet while I was standing on the fit board kids hey, looking forward to seeing your dinner pic an today's menu I've got weigh in tomorrow
Hope weigh in goes well Shell :D

So it's glorious out there today -for now.....
I have made it home from nursery and got the meat base of a lasagne in the slow cooker -the boys can have that and I'm going RED today so I'm going to use some of the meat base and top it with leeks and broccoli and then the sauce instead of pasta. I think I have developed an issue with white flour so I want to see if I am right. The white sauce is blitzed cottage cheese, eggs and mustard and then cheese...I'm going to splash out and use both my HexA (65g feta and 25g strong cheddar). I have just had 2 leftover cold syn free sausages and some water as it's back to early lunch today...
so lets go for.....

  • 2 syn free sausages
  • 1pt water
  • 1 banana
  • 250ml semi (6)
  • 3 slices wholemeal HexB
  • 10g spread (2)
  • 80g parma ham (2.5)
  • 50g avocado (4.5)
  • pear
  • apple
  • grapefruit
  • home made "lasagne" 2 x hexA
  • 2 alpen light HexB
So I make that 2 HexA and 2 HexB and bang on 15 syns

ooooh dinner last night was just what I needed....not exactly exciting but yummy all the same :p
ooooh an I can see A LOT of body magic coming on...not only is allotment weather slowly appearing (whoop) but we have been told that they are going to fund getting our attic bedroom insulated which is fab, but it means the room needs emptying and my days is it ram packed :hide:... they are coming on the 23rd March so we need to get it done quick march . Hubby is in charge of bringing all the stuff down into charlies room (the only place big enough to hold it) and I'm going through every box and getting rid of as much as possible and re-boxing what we are keeping. Then as soon as its done I'm going to paint it before the boxes go back....

Right, I had better get off and get my lunch organised ...have a fab day everyone :D

Syns used (left)
Sun - 15 (90)
Mon - 8.5 (81.5)
Tues -4.5 (77)
Wed -19.5 (57.5)
Thur -15 (42.5)


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ok.... BEST sandwich yet... and I didn't need the spread so I saved 2 syns ... I cooked the parma ham until crispy and let it go cold,,I'm sorry but I may never buy bacon for myself again...this tasted like proper old fashioned dry cure streaky cooked crispy :stickdance:whoop whoop... see I do love bacon...BUT to have it free I have to remove the fat and well then lets be honest it is no longer BACON ....it is PIG :rotflmao: so I will pay the 2.5 syns for a small pack of parma instead
Right after that flash announcement I had better get organised for retrieving the little person from nursery xx


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Best not mention the ones I ate whilst I was cooking then Shell :whistle:... I have a cast iron stomach for pickles ...I love the things
Now then, I have just placed my first order with "The Protein Works" .... I have seen them mentioned quite a bit so thought "worth a try" -
  • diet protein truffles ( mint choc and strawberry cheesecake) 30g each and 5 syns (work out at 46p each)
  • protein brownies (Belgian choc and millionaire's) 40g each and 5.5 syns (work out at 40p each)
  • whey crispy clusters (toffee chocc) now these are tiny bite size and obviously light and 1 syn each (work out 35p for 5)
Now they aren't cheap but until the end of today they are on offer and BOGOF .... now my theory is, that now I have my diet under control I can incorporate these into my syns when I fancy and because I know they are "special" my brain won't just shout ..."it's chocolate ...eat eat eat"
they do other flavours but were out of stock...gutted at the truffles come in jaffa cake flavour -drooooooooool.

They should arrive tomorrow so here's hoping they are good....
ooooh and if anyone decides to try the out can you let me refer you please as I believe we both then get a reward :D
Dinner done n dusted for another day :p ...it doesn't look too hot but it was gorgeous and I only had half (and it was more than enough) so I need to re-jig the count for today... I only used 1HexA of cheese soooo I can use my other to cover the milk I was synning whichhhhhh means I have 6 syns to put back in the bank :banana_dancer:.
I still have 2 Alpen lights for my other HexB this evening so it's unlikely I will use any more syns, but we will see.
ooh and my order with the protein works has been dispatched :bunnydance:...so I might be able to test those tomorrow ;)
Right...off I go to plan tomorrows meals... Have a lovely evening ....

Syns used (left)
Sun - 15 (90)
Mon - 8.5 (81.5)
Tues -4.5 (77)
Wed -19.5 (57.5)
Thur -9 (48.5)


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Morning all... well it looks like my new found passion for sandwiches at lunch hasn't had a detrimental effect on me...3lb off this week (that makes 1st 10lb now) :woohoo:so I need 1.5lb now for my club 10....so it should be mine next week... so it looks like I can keep my sandwiches on the menu :banana_dancer:..I'm going to sit in a minute and do a meal plan and a shop with Tesco and then I should be good to go...
Hubby has started emptying the attic...oh my days it's ram packed... he has cleared about 1/3 of the way down the 1 wall....about 1/10 of the contents if we are lucky.. so this morning I have turned photo 1 into photo 2 (sorted), photo 3 (still to sort) and 4 (on its way to the tip right now).... god it was a work out lol..better show on the scales next week as I will be doing more through the week...it's amazing what I'm rediscovering lol....
right better get off and get organised ...have a fab day everyone..


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I haven't finished my meal plan or shopping yet, but finally got around to lunch .... I figured I needed something warmer than salad at the minute so I made "fridge bottom soup" :p.... a whole broccoli, 1 leek and the stock in my soup maker and then when it was cooked I added a bag of watercress and a bag of spinach and blitzed again...needed plenty of seasoning but it was rather nice (an plenty left for some more lunches) ... not to mention super healthy ....I had it with
  • 3 kingsmilll crustless HexB
  • 10g spread (2)
  • 25g cheddar HexA
  • beetroot
  • super green soup
So I have kept it neutral until I decide if I'm going red or green ;) oooooh and I wasn't even tempted by the bacon sandwiches I was making the boys at the same time :innocent002: :rotflmao:


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OK, little man is in bed and dinner is eaten....so my GREEN day so far has been:-
  • Super green soup
  • 3 kingsmill crust less HexB
  • 10g spread (2)
  • 25g cheddar HexB
  • Beetroot
  • Apple
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • Potatoes
  • Salad
  • 1tbs salad cream (2)
  • Sf jelly (0.5)
  • Berries
  • 1/2 activia intensely (1)
  • 500ml semi HexA x2
So that's 2 HexA, 2 HexB and 5.5 syns used....I might use more syns later, but we will see .

This weeks meals should include:-

Doner Kebab
Zesty turkey kebabs F
Spiced chicken 2 syns
Vegetable macaroni cheese 1 hex+ 1.5 syns
Hm pizza hexB+8 syns

Sun 5.5 = (99.5 syns)
Morning all, just waiting for Tesco to arrive (which will probably be in the middle of me typing this lol)

I have had an apple, a pint of water and a mug of tea whilst I try and decide what I fancy.... today will be RED as I'm making doner kebab tonight...
so let go with:-

  • apple
  • 1pt sparkling water
  • 500ml semi HexA x 2
  • 3 slices kingsmill crustless HexB
  • tuna fish
  • 1tbs salad cream (2.5)
  • cucumber
  • super green soup
  • sf jell with berries (0.5)
  • 1/2 activia intensely (1)
  • doner kebab
  • salad
  • garlic dressing (will add syns once I make it lol)
  • 225g jacket HexB -wedged in actifry (1)

so that comes to 2 hexA, 2 hexB and 5 syns I will see how today goes before I decide how to use a few more syns.
Just 1lb off this week and I will have lost 1/4 of what I plan on shifting :-D 1.5lb and I get my club 10. 4lb for my 2st award and 4.5lb to drop me into the 15s *eeeek* lots of mini targets there:whacky068:

Sun 10.5 = (94.5 syns)
Lunch is eaten..... much to my surprise I ate my soup and JUST managed 1 triangle and was full :eek: so I have wrapped the others for later. I can't remember the last time I actually listened and stopped eating :oops:.

Think it will be interesting to see if having soup with my lunches makes any difference this week....
I have made the doner kebab recipe and it's in the fridge for later, so I'm all organised and have about 1/2 hr left until I go to collect charlie :D


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hmmmm there are changes afoot :p I have only had one cuppa today so I will be fine with the rest of my 250ml for the evening soooo I'm making today EE so I don't have to be so strict with my chippies at dinner time, also I didn't eat my jelly/yogurt this afternoon as I finished my sandwich off instead soooooo I will have that this evening...

  • apple
  • 1pt sparkling water
  • 250ml semi HexA
  • 3 slices kingsmill crustless HexB
  • tuna fish
  • 1tbs salad cream (2.5)
  • cucumber
  • super green soup
  • plum/clementine
  • doner kebab
  • salad
  • garlic dressing (will add syns once I make it lol)
  • actifry chips (2)
  • sf jell with berries (0.5)
  • 1/2 activia intensely (1)
Hey yah hope to see a pic of yah donner kebab I'm having burger tonight I say while drooling, hope you've been ok an you finished your sorting of your loft x