2016 - MAKING TIME FOR ME......

Afternoon all.
Helloooo Jeanne :D

So then, Charlie is on his full day at nursery (unless they call me to pick him up like last week ...he still isn't 100% but was determined he was going bless him)
soooooo today is SP day and it's looking like this:-

  • apple/pear
  • 1/2 melon
  • 250ml semi HexA
  • prawns
  • avocado (4.5)
  • dressing (3)
  • celery, peppers, spring onions, cucumber, beetroot, tomatoes
  • crispy chicken (hexB)
  • HM coleslaw (1.5)
  • 1 alpen light HexB
Now technically I should have had some protein with brekkie...but I'm not going to burn for that I don't imagine :p.... some days life just gets in the way a bit and I'm still on plan as such. so that will cover 1 hexA, 2 hexB and 9 syns ..I will think of something else to use up my last few syns this evening

syns used/left:-105
Sunday 11.5 (93.5)
Monday 8.5 (85)
Tuesday 14 (71)



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Hey hope your better my cold has left the building whooooo hooooo, that pudding with the coloured things on top looks yum
Nope...the grotty cold is still here but " I will not give in" lol... that pudding has mini meringues on (4 for 3.5syns) -which I don't normally like, but they are vanilla and the pink has freeze dried strawberry in so they were nice for a change -ooooh and they are from the co-op 12 in a box BOGOF
well I have just had dinner and it was a lazy ass version but it was really nice....just 60g wholemeal, plenty of garlic salt, some mixed herbs, a pinch of cayenne and some black pepper blitzed and then just packed onto the chicken thighs....no dipping, no faffing :bunnydance:and I will do em that way in future :D


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Morning all -from a still germ filled house :rolleyes:

To say I have had hubby at home and got much less planning done I have lost 1.5lb this week so thats 29.5lb gone and I'm now down to "just" 4st 13.5lb to go ....and I KNOW I can do it :D

I need to get planning for this week on a grand scale because the next 2 weeks are going to be chaos... on top of my normal stuff "to do" it's pretty much looking like this:-
Sunday - helping Charlie make his easter basket
Monday - Making Easter biscuits for nursery
Tuesday -decorating Easter biscuits
Wednesday - having loft insulated
Thursday - start decorating attic
Friday -more decorating -plus hubby/charlie home because its good friday
Saturday - oooh look -more decorating
Sunday -Making Charlies birthday cake for nursery
Monday -Decorating cake ...and more work in attic
Tuesday -Charlies 4th birthday -so we are out for the day
Wednesday - decorating Charlies 2nd cake for his party (thank god it's charlies full day at nursery)
Thursday- more unpacking and sorting attic
Friday- last chance salloon to finish the attic before charlie breaks up for 2 weeks
Saturday -preparing the food for charlies party.. AND taking charlie to try out martial arts
Sunday - Charlies party.....
god I need a sit down just reading it :rotflmao:


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Gooooood morning all... I'm back.... charlies birthday and party done n dusted ....so now I can get back to what I was doing before... well with the added distraction of little sir being off school for 2 weeks and STILL being in the midst of organising the attic lol....

not sure when I last updated but last week was a 1lb loss and this week a maintain ...neither of which I deserved *:oops:* so I will take em and run lol...
right I had better get a meal plan sorted and get back on it ...be back soon ;)
Hey welcome back was starting to think you had disapered look on the bright side of life only a few days left of the holidays try having 3 at home
Charlie only broke up on Friday so our 2 weeks has just begun....still at least it is just the one I have to amuse :innocent0001:....
well I have just had brekkie....so it's a start :roofles:..I think it might be a EE day today as I was going to do a cottage pie..but as we know, that could well change :p
  • 2 slices kingsmill crustless HexB
  • 20g ketchup (1)
  • scrambled eggs
  • mushrooms/red peppers
I do mine with swede topping so I can stay on red days breakfast sounds good mine was just weetabix
Morning all.... slowly getting my act together... it's not that I want to eat junk but my god I'm fed up of thinking about food, what to buy, what to make, when to make it, what to eat when :rolleyes:. Still...it is what needs to be done so best "GET A GRIP" ...
so, last night was sticky chilli chicken, actifry chips and coleslaw -3 syns in total and CharlieB has requested the chicken again :D....
I have started this morning off with strawberries and LIDL vanilla/coconut fat free greek yogurt -thought it was a good choice whilst I think about what plan to do today ;)

Todays mission is to draw up a meal plan...I need to do some dishes that are purely for the freezer for hubby to take for his work lunches and then it will make sorting our evening meals out easier as it won't matter if they are things that don't reheat well -like last nights dinner or tonights jackets, cottage cheese n salad (well that is what hubby wants) not sure I fancy it though :p. I think part of my head ache is that I'm trying to balance what is suitable for all 3 of us (although in his defence, for a 4 year old Charlie is a cracking little eater) and hubby taking 2 meals to work to zap so sometimes I feel as though I'm doing 3 meal plans :rotflmao:. So....I'm going to trawl for new recipes today..make a meal plan for all of us and one for hubbies lunches and then turn it into a shopping list....

right I had better make a start .....wish me luck :innocent0001:


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Hiya! Have you joined any groups on Facebook? There are loads and loads of recipes, love it AND people post about their successes and I find it really motivating.

Just search slimming world and you'll see.

Also Instagram and Pinterest, lots of lovely photos too
I joined "2chubbycubs" and there are some great recipes....but to be honest I think it's just the constant focus on food that is driving me mad -probably magnified this last few weeks with having so much other stuff going on with organising the house (still ongoing lol) charlies birthday/party now off school and so on. I will get my head around it...I have just ordered a meat pack from muscle foods...so at least I am trying :rotflmao:.. I'm sure that once little sir is back in nursery and I can get stuck into everything I want/need to do I will be fine :p

I had salad with tuna, ham, egg (what a combo lol) and hm coleslaw (1.5) and a jacket for lunch and an apple... so that's on plan... I don't want another jacket for dinner so hubby is having his jacket, salad n cottage cheese and I'm having salad with actifry chips (2) and coleslaw (1.5) nomnomnom.
ooh and I have some raspberry SF jelly with frozen cherries setting as I type so that will be a yummy sweet treat tonight with yogurt on :eating:
Hey Hun I do get what you mean always got to think about what your having Belfast lunch an dinner feels like you finish one meal you got to start planing the next that's why I think it's always good to write it down an plan at least my dinners so I stay on track I'm always thinking days ahead my partners like I've not even thought about tomorrow's food but we have to its easier when the kids are at school
Morning all
well I have started getting organised..... did a bit of prep yesterday... 6 lasagnes (3syns each) but me n hubby shared one with salad n actifry chips last night :p..so just 2.5syns for the meal.... then made some sticky chilli chicken parcels (1 syn) and froze them raw....I have been trawling the American sites for ore meals that are frozen raw and I'm finding some interesting ideas I'm going to try ;)
Shell -I think you are right,,, I found it much better when I had planned all my meals for the week so I think that might have to be todays challenge-assuming Charlie gives me time lol...
oooh brekkie this morning was bacon topped mushrooms and roasted tomatoes done in the actifry :D


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Oh makes me hungry I'm at that point in the day inbtween lunch am dinner that I want to eat the fridge lol looking good though I find if I plan my meals I'm not then tempted to go of plan because I don't know what I'm going to have
Righty ho.... it looks like being a nice day here so I am going to take little sir into town and then to mammas..... I have my muscle food order due in the next hour and then I will get us organised ;).
Well I got some more meals in the freezer yesterday - think this weekend I'm going to hit the attic bedroom, do some more sorting and fire up the spare freezer and it can become purely for SW meals I have made ..... so....Concoction alert lol -it was much tastier than I expected :D.... it made 2 portions for last night, 2 lunches for hubby to take to work today and 6 for the freezer and syn free to boot :p. It started off as one thing and as I carried on throwing things in it just morphed hehe...it was (and I can't believe I remember it off the top of my head)

1lb bacon chopped
2 large onions -chopped
4 cloves garlic -grated
3 huge carrots -small dice
2 red peppers -chopped
1/2tsp smoked paprika
tomato puree
box pasatta
tin baked beans
2 lamb oxo
good slug balsamic reduction
8 pork sausages
8 Lincolnshire sausages

just whiz the sausages in the actifry to colour..
drop bacon in a large pan, once cooked, add onion, carrots n garlic and cook for a few minutes-add all the other ingredients apart from sausages. Cook until carrots are tender (you may need to add a drop of water if it gets to thick) slice sausages and stir in and cook a little longer until everything is hot and combine.
I'm lucky as our butcher still does syn free sausages :D ..
ooooh tesco now have cooking bacon at 60p a pack and there was no fat on this one *yayy*


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What do you get in your muscle food order I'm always tempted to order from jo's sausages as there products are syn free
Im trying sooooo hard to get back to being super organised Shell ..I would rather spend a few days stuck in the kitchen making things to freeze so I can then have the rest of the month doing other things (that blasted attic bedroom for a start :rolleyes:).... so if it works my plan is to order my meat every month and get plenty of things made up and frozen in the first couple of days and then I can relax a bit knowing there are plenty of options for meals ....
this is the hamper I have had this time.. you can view all the nutritional values on their items so can put them through the SW calculator -I know lots are free...
we had a chicken breast last night as pizza chicken and they were really nice and firm -and economical as 1 breast does both of us ;)..

well I have been busy this morning ....
I have split some breasts in half and bagged 2 side by side ready for pizza chicken . then I have 5 thai (2 syns) just need to fry off onions and 1syn of thai paste and add the defrosted bag (chicken/baby corn/sugar snaps/mange tout)
and 4 bags of buffalo chicken (2 syns a bag and we will share one) ....
I have just fired up the spare freezer in the attic bedroom as I am determined to fill the bugger with portions and ready to cook bags ....

so far I have stored up....
4 x lasagne (3 syns each)
6 x smoky sausage n rice (free)
11 x 12 speed stew (free)
3 goan pork (free)
4 chilli (free)

8 x sticky chicken (1syn)
4 buffalo chicken (2 syn)
5 thai chicken (2 syn)
5 balls of pizza base dough (8 syns each)
8 balls tortilla dough (5 syns)

ooh and I have had these arrive today too (lets see if we can give our soup some oomph :p) and I had a code for 50% off I can dig out if anyone is interested -not sure if it is still valid but worth a try :D

right I had better get off n get something else done...be back later with an update on food


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