2019 March exercise challenge

Exercise Bike 42.66 km comprised of a dual session today.
Current Distance 958.1 km this month out of 1150.2 km.

I do two sessions most days @ 35 minutes, 92-110 rpm, 36-43 kph, 120-130 bpm & 240-260 Watt.
Weight at around 207 lbs (14 st 11 lbs) now from 266 lbs (19 st) next goal is 200 lb (14.28 st)
Thats some nice walking.
Im on holidsys and have been walking every day but not measuring it.
Exercise Cycle being replaced.
It's too loud to use due to flywheel problem.
I'm going to miss my target by about 100 km.
That's even with normal sessions on Sat & Sun.
When will you get a new one and do you have it a while?
I'm having a new one delivered Friday under warranty.
I'd had it for around 18 Months.
Just wear and tear from heavy use.
I've done probably 500 hrs or more of exercise on it.
I went for a short walk yesterday and used the vibroplate today.
I suppose my actual challenge for the last few days would be to het to the pool
Vibroplate X 15 minutes
Pool 8 aqua jogging lengths
Walk 2k
Vibroplate X 15 minutes
Pool 4 lengths swim 16 lengths aquajogging
Walk nothing
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It will be Monday next week before I get a new exercise cycle due to UK Mail/DHL.
Will add something to next month's exercise challenge later.
Saturday nothing at all.
Vibroplate 0
Pool 8 engths swim 20 lengths aquajogging
Walk 0