Hello one and all or anyone if you haven't all left me like I left you!
Selfish of me, very very selfish.
But Im back! Im not exactly on track but im going to try.
I got weighed last Thursday after not attending since 6th Dec - Id put on 9lbs taking me back up to 14st 10!
I was gutted but on the bright side, I stayed in the 14s and Ive seen myself put on 6lbs after my week in Turkey.
So considering ive had Christmas, new year and my birthday...
So I got weighed on Thursday then obviously went for a goodbye fatty meal - lasagne and chips with garlic bread, and a pudding. not big or clever but that was where the line was meant to be.
However work got me a bday cake on Friday so I had a piece then home friends insisted we go out for my bday on the Friday, had a fight with uni friends while out which resulted in me drinking 1 1/2 bottles of white wine! Then donner meat! On the gross plus side I was then sick... hummm.
Saturday I resisted the now morning after routine of mcdonalds and had hoops on toast

then due to a random and busy day didn't have tea till late but it was a SW pasta type concoction, which was just fine.
Sunday was my mums birthday so I took her out for sunday lunch, had veg but it came covered in gravy (I wasn't actually happy as it was swimming) and I ate the Yorkshire pudding! Then due to carers cancelling I went to do my grandas tea and supper, resisted all food temptations, then got home and my mums friend was there till 10! Then like crazy people we ordered an indian! Granted I ordered boiled rice, but I did get chicken sagg which is rather high in syns at 11 but least it has spinach?????
Monday, I had an alpen light bar and banana, yaayyy. then for lunch had hienz mixed beans on toast, then realised id used big bread instead of little grrrr. Then went out on appointments and didn't get home till 9... so finished off last nights indian!!!
Which leads us to today, Tuesday- bacon, spinach and lowlow sandwich (little bread) hurray! Then a banana, then a SW pasta full of veg and spinach and a few grapes.
Fingers crossed I can manage at least one on plan day before Thursday weigh in!
But im trying to stay positive, not one Tesco white bread egg mayo sandwich has crossed my lips with a packet of crisps and fizzy pop!