Thanks Helena. As well as fluid and all sort of weird bodily ups and downs, I also wonder if you're building a bit of muscle now you're able to move about more? Muscle is heavier than fat, so that is yet another variable to add in to the ponderings!! But can I just say BRILLIANT that your able to do so much more activity and that you feel your tummy is smaller? OK it may not have translated into weight on scales, but what a wonderful achievement to be able to do more, and that will of course help you massively on this journey.
my 10lbs is probably mostly first week fluid dump etc. but I'm really pleased nonetheless, and it's given me good motivation to feel I'm on a calorie burning path, so feeling good about sticking to what I'm doing moving forward.
I am having similar shocking discoveries too now I'm working out what I used to eat. Discovered the traditional family oatmeal stuffing I have with roast chicken is about 480 calories for 100g !!!! Eek. So I still had a couple of teaspoons (50g) as not to deprive myself completely because I love it, but realise I little goes a long way. And plus I can afford to bump up my calories a bit.
I'm just working on the premise that if you really want something calorific you can have it, but you have to really be strict on portion size, OR you can find a low calorie version of it and have much more. I'm trying to allow myself the usual things I enjoy, but having a. Small portion bulked out with loads a veg is working for me.
yes Helena, we'll stick together, and one day that'll be us passing on our pearls of wisdom to the newbies
