Wanna lose 100lb
GOOD FOR YOU Helena, and I've had the same experience, I'm size 28 ish and in the past have had regular swimming sessions, starting off nervous, mortified at the thought that anyone would look etc. but after a few weeks I was even changing in the open area (well let's face it, those cubicles are a frigging nightmare for oversized limbs clambering in and out of swimsuits) and I totally agree that people are actually worrying more about themselves than looking at me.
all that's said, I don't know if that applies to some teenage boys, especially in groups. They scare the crap out of me, and I did worry, walking past them to get in the pool that they were going to shout something horrible and hurtful, although they never did.
Helena, 7lbs in 2 weeks is REALLY good progress. In fact any weight loss is Really great, so stick with what you're doing and it will all happen eventually. I do empathise with your urgency for it, but haven't we all found ourselves in this trap before? I know I've set my expectations too high in the past, and then been disappointed when I haven't emerged as a size 12 after a month, and therefore given up. Let's be realistic, it'll take a long time, but 'slow and steady wins the race,' and it'll be so worth it.
Well done with getting in in some gardening. Also Sounds like great distraction, and anything to take minds off the fridge helps doesn't it?![]()
I know people think I am a nag, but I HATE to hear that someone is missing out on some great fun exercise, and, let's face it, the ONLY safe exercise for superlarge people, because of the fear inside their heads that "someone" might say or think "something" about their weight. Those of us who have done it KNOW that this just does not happen, so I am glad to hear that you have had the same experiences.
I was in the same boat myself once, and I devised and rehearsed a list of retorts to any snide comments. And 13 years later, I still haven't needed any of them!
The only public comment I ever suffered, strangely enough, wasn't when in a swimsuit but in the street, fully covered up from throat to ankle. A group of teenage girls were all taking photos of me with their mobiles, and when I asked why, one said because they'd never seen anyone as fat as me before, then they all giggled and ran away. So even that wasn't an actual insult. They didn't say anything negative about my being overweight, just that I was, which I already knew.
Come to think of it, the only time I am ever made to feel really embarrassed, ashamed and humiliated in relation to my weight is at my doctor's surgery! No matter what I've got, it's due to the weight. And yet, bizarrely, some ailments went away as I got heavier! Yes, I was told that plantar fascitis was due to my weight, and also varicose veins. They both disappeared once I passed the 22 stone mark on my way upwards. As far as I know, the only obesity-related medical problem I have is sleep apnoea.
Claire-Bear, I know what you mean about impatience and giving up, and I am the queen of giving up, having been yo-yo dieting since I was 19 (I am now 56). HOWEVER, I was today informed that the name of this forum, WEMITS, means "We mean it this time". Therefore, I am no longer allowed to quit. By joining this forum, I have accepted its terms and conditions, and so, this time, I "mean it". I also read on someone siggy that "Quitters never win and winners never quit". Well, I don't want to be someone who never wins! I LOVE to win! So that has worked on me, too.
I am looking forward to seeing your marker move along your Christmas ticker. I think 56lb is probably not achievable. It's too much. It is, after all, nearly September! You are asking for 3.5lb a week, with no stalls or setbacks. Hmmm.... well, so long as you aren't going to be devastated if you don't make it. I made a 31st December pledge with a friend who is trying to lose 3 stone by then. So that is only 42lb, and we started last week and have the extra week past Xmas.