Pleased to say I am doing a LOT better than yesterday.
By this time yesterday I had scoffed down 1400 calories! Today only 400.
Big BIG mistake, and I have made this one twice now, is thinking I can eat fruit for breakfast. This is now totally banned. Not only does it make me feel weak and trembly an hour later, but it makes me SO ravenously hungry that I would KILL for food ... honestly, I was even eyeing up the cat.
Clearly, fruit on an empty stomach causes a massive leap and crash owing to raised bg and a gush of insulin.
Eating 100g of chicken in a soup for breakfast today totally satisfied me, no trembling, weakness or lightheadedness, and three hours later still no hunger.
Protein breakfasts are the right thing for me!
Is there any point in my eating fruit at all now? I mean, even if I have it as a snack mid-afternoon or evening, it may not make me trembly but it's still going to make me hungry and consequently eat more. For the same calories I could have chocolate, which I enjoy 100 x as much and has no discernible effect on my blood-glucose, and tends to blunt the appetite.
Goodbye, fruit :-(
Nice knowing you guys, but it's all over for us.