25 stone to 19 stone in 8 months.

Back up to 336 again today. i am really bored with seeing this same weight (33 to 338) week after week.... if this continues I shall not reach my goal by April... :-(
Back up to 336 again today. i am really bored with seeing this same weight (33 to 338) week after week.... if this continues I shall not reach my goal by April... :-(

I've just had a look at your diary and it's more likely to be food bloat, as you did go over yesterday by quite a bit didn't you. Just take one day at a time. Try and look at the bigger picture from a weight perspective tho - you've still lost well above the average recommended weight loss xx
This weight loss business is soooo difficult Helena but I'd say eating around the 2000 mark with your TDEE should give you around a pound a week off. If you can I'd stop focusing on your April target and just work on making each day as perfect as you can and maybe working on fitting in some activity to improve your fitness levels.

It is a fact that if you are eating a higher carb diet then you will carry more scale weight but that doesn't mean your body isn't shedding fat in the background. Also you have been poorly the past couple of weeks and if there is any inflammation in your body then again you will carry extra water weight as that is how the body heals itself by surrounding the tissue/muscle with water .

Possibly you could look at the compostion of the meals you are eating as it could be you're are eating a food that doesn't suit you. I know you are loving your bread at the moment after coming away from low carb eating but maybe only having one bread based meal a day would get things moving again.

Whatever eating plan we choose at the end of the day it really does all come down to calorie reduction. We're all going to have days where we reach for our comfort foods of choice and eat too many of them but as long as they're only once in a blue moon rather than every day we should progress downwards on the scale even if it isn't as quickly as we would like.

We all have our own theories and understandings of what constitutes a healthy diet because we have to experiment to find what works best for us. There is no one fail-proof plan because all of our bodies work differently. Eat the foods you love and adjust the portion sizes to fit your calorie allowance. Personally I take my calories over a week as I find my body works better having high/low calorie days rather than the same amount each day.
Helena, don't let anyone tell you you can't lose weight eating carbs and chocolate every day - I've lost half my body weight now doing exactly that! :) Do whatever suits you best, because that's how you'll stick to it. There's no one best way, we all have to find our own. :) xx
Tranq wrote: we have to experiment to find what works best for us

I did the longest experiment ever ~ over ten years ~ struggling to keep to low carb.

I proved time and again, over ten long, painful, harrowing years, that could not do it.

Cutting out whole food groups, never being allowed a treat, a chocolate, a slice of bread, a piece of fruit, it simply did not work for me.

So there is no point in my trying to impose another regime like that upon myself because it would doom me to failure.

Whichever way you look at it, I have still lost 19lb in 7 weeks.

I suspect that the pattern of my weight loss is going to be "whoosh-maintain-whoosh-maintain" rather than a regular amount each week.

The lesson I have to learn is, whilst I can rejoice in the whoosh moments, I must not grizzle during the maintenance periods. After all, my skirts are nearly falling off!

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Thank you Ms Tranq for your voice of intelligent reasoning.

Over a week ago I decided to make a concerted effort to cut back on the bread, and replace it with salad and vegetables. Yesterday, for example, I had only two slices of bread (the equivalent of one) and had my chicken with a mixed salad instead. I also have a bag of sprouts and a head of broccoli in the fridge, intending to have them with chicken for other meals.

My problem is that salad does not fill me up! And that means I will go fridge-inspecting and cupboard browsing, and having a second or third Slimfast bar or cup-a-soup and end up eating even more in the long run than if I'd just had 116 calories of bread (i.e. 2 slices) wrapped around some ham or chicken (50 calories) and a bit of mayo (50 ).

Hi Helena,

Is it possible you don't find the salad filling because you don't have enough of it? I have salad almost every evening, usually with a chicken breast or a piece of salmon, and I feel completely full when I've eaten it. I never think of eating again afterwards. I completely fill my plate with salad though, it's a huge salad. Half a bag of salad leaves with tomatoes, celery, peppers etc. A "side salad" wouldn't fill me up, but a great big huge salad certainly does.
Hi Helena,

Is it possible you don't find the salad filling because you don't have enough of it? I have salad almost every evening, usually with a chicken breast or a piece of salmon, and I feel completely full when I've eaten it. I never think of eating again afterwards. I completely fill my plate with salad though, it's a huge salad. Half a bag of salad leaves with tomatoes, celery, peppers etc. A "side salad" wouldn't fill me up, but a great big huge salad certainly does.

I have such a large portion of salad that I have to eat out of a Pyrex casserole dish. Same as you ~ half or 3/4 of a bag, with additions of tomato, cucumber, red pepper, occasionally sweetcorn, or olives, with low cal salad cream or mayo, and 4oz of meat. I'm always hungry afterwards.

But the thing is, if I am supposed to be eating 1800 to 2000 calories a day, eating salad without any potato or bread along with it isn't going to reach my calorie count for the day. When I ate only 1500 I was told that wasn't enough. So what is wrong with having bread or potatoes to reach my count?

Absolutely nothing Helena if you want bread and potatoes you can have them, I know I do.

If your meals are not filling you up then I would suggest the combination of foods needs tweaking until you find that magic formula that fixes the hunger.

I find pitta bread more filling than ordinary bread plus it comes in useful for making healthier pizzas.

I find soup can leave me hungry but if I add some grated cheese into it that fixes the problem.

Most days I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks because that suits my working day. Fitting all the calories in can be a problem but I try and pack in as much healthy stuff as I can but to be honest salad doesn't fill me up much either and I only use it as a pitta filler.

If your skirts are loose then you are still losing regardless of what the scales say, just carry on what you're doing and enjoy the whoosh days.

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Absolutely nothing Helena if you want bread and potatoes you can have them, I know I do.
If your meals are not filling you up then I would suggest the combination of foods needs tweaking until you find that magic formula that fixes the hunger.
I find pitta bread more filling than ordinary bread plus it comes in useful for making healthier pizzas.
I find soup can leave me hungry but if I add some grated cheese into it that fixes the problem.
Most days I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks because that suits my working day. Fitting all the calories in can be a problem but I try and pack in as much healthy stuff as I can but to be honest salad doesn't fill me up much either and I only use it as a pitta filler.
If your skirts are loose then you are still losing regardless of what the scales say, just carry on what you're doing and enjoy the whoosh days.

I don't think I am having masses of bread OR potatoes. When I have a mug of soup I sometimes have 100g of baby potatoes, microwaved, cut into quarters, and served without any fat at all. It keeps hunger at bay for a few more hours than soup on its own.

I don't like the texture of pittas at all. I like tortilla wraps and I like breads, though. But tortilla wraps have about 100 calories in them, whilst Warburtons wholemeal is just 58 calories a slice, so I can have two slices of that for the "price" of one wrap and I find the bread much more filling and satisfying than the wrap, so I stopped buying them altogether.

Yes I am now removing my skirts at night without undoing any of the buttons or zips. This dieting lark could be very embarrassing. What if my skirt falls down when I am out and I am not wearing any knickers?

Oh Tranq I do envy you for getting to under 300...... Into the two hundreds .... oooh that must feel absolutely fantastic! You are my heroine and my role model!
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Up at 6am and before breakfast I reorganised the spaghetti-mess of cables behind my desk. This involved furniture-moving, bending, stretching, twisting, lifting and a bit of sweating. I then laid a sheet of new vinyl onto my floor. This took until 11am so my breakfast was at 11.30. This consisted of two smoked salmon sandwiches, and a hunk of ginger cake brought by a visitor (goodness knows how I am going to calculate the calories in that!)

My goal for the coming week is to try to stick more to the 1800 calorie range, maxing at 1900, instead of creeping too far into the 2000's. My core foods will be: soups; chicken breasts; baby potatoes; ham, smoked salmon or tuna sandwiches with raw veg and salad cream; Slimfast Caramels; steamed broccoli or sprouts; and bagged salad.



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I've come to subscribe to your diary.

When you're dieting - whichever one you decide to hitch up with - you need to do some experimentation, so you can decide what works for you and what doesn't. As long as you don't give up, that is the key.
When you're dieting - whichever one you decide to hitch up with - you need to do some experimentation, so you can decide what works for you and what doesn't. As long as you don't give up, that is the key.

Watcha, Jamesie from MK. Well done on your own weight loss. You should get a ticker! Show off that 2stone 6lb with pride!

Yup, we all gotta find out what we can stand, what we can maintain, as well as what works.

Some people think that you "shouldn't" have any treats when dieting, as though it is in some way "sinful" to eat bread or chocolate etc and that dieting is all about pain, suffering, restriction, discipline, hunger and self denial. Pleasure is not allowed!

Other people know that, if they don't get their treats they will go off the rails altogether. Better that they factor in some treats every day and stay within their calorie allowance.

Unfortunately, the hair-shirt brigade do not approve!
Here is the mess of wires behind my tidy desk! And that is after I tidied them!

There is so much going on at the moment... I've been invited to speak at several conferences, some of which I have turned down as they are too far distant, and also at Scotland Yard's Crime Museum, which I have accepted. I've been nominated to become a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, which would give me additional letters after my name (FRHS) and I might accept that as I guess it looks good on my author biog on the back cover of my books.

I'm also thinking of doing some more post-graduate work and gaining my M.A. but I might find that too restrictive in terms of content. As I am independent from owning my business, and not seeking employment, I don't need any more post-nominal letters, so it would only be "for fun".

Lastly, I am definitely going to give up my work as a literary editor: I am so bored with reading books in which I have no interest. At my age, I don't have much life left and I want to spend it researching and writing my own projects, not someone else's.



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Watcha, Jamesie from MK. Well done on your own weight loss. You should get a ticker! Show off that 2stone 6lb with pride!

Yup, we all gotta find out what we can stand, what we can maintain, as well as what works.

Some people think that you "shouldn't" have any treats when dieting, as though it is in some way "sinful" to eat bread or chocolate etc and that dieting is all about pain, suffering, restriction, discipline, hunger and self denial. Pleasure is not allowed!

Other people know that, if they don't get their treats they will go off the rails altogether. Better that they factor in some treats every day and stay within their calorie allowance.

Unfortunately, the hair-shirt brigade do not approve!

I do Slimming World, so the daily treats are an essential part of my weight loss. For me, it's 3 bags of crisps, or some extra bread on top of my Healthy Extra. As long I keep within my 15 syn limit, then I'm on the path to success.

The plan I am on doesn't work for some people, as the seeming lack of boundaries gives an illusion that one can eat whatever the hell they want in whatever quantities and be mortified that they didn't lose weight that week.

"A little bit of what you fancy does you good."

I also think 'treat's in moderation should be included on eating plans. I have a curly wurly or freddo choc bar every day and I look forward to it too. I'm not eating bread at all but this is simply because I feel so bloated when I do.

It's your eating plan if you want to eat salmon sarnies (yum yum btw) do it. You are obviously losing weight and as importantly inches.

Tracy :)
I agree re treats - it's crazy to try and do without them, especially when time and time again people lose lots of weight only to put it all back on again when they return to 'normal' eating.

All your work plans sound exciting - particularly that Crime Museum one! :)
Hi, I just wanted to drop in and say well done on your weight loss so far and that I've really enjoyed reading your diary. You write so well and I can really relate to what you've written. You sound so determined that I'm sure you will reach your goal even if the path is bumpy
Thanks and welcome to my new visitors!

On today's weigh in I am down 3lb since last weigh in about 3 days ago.... woo woo... 23st 8. I know that sounds horrendously super morbidly obese to 99% of the population, but it's the lowest weight I have been for at least ooooh 7 or 8 years maybe more.

Started 9 Aug @ 25 st 2.

Loss = 22lb in 8 weeks.

My goals for this week:

Keep to 1800 calories.
Eat more vegetables and less bread.
Do aquafit at least once.

Helena x


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