Good on you for coming back on Helena xx
Can I ask, are you on anti depressants? I think I recall you not liking the drs or them not being very understanding, so wasn't sure if you would have gone to them for help.
I will say this though, I hate the drs but I rang them up and explained how depressed I was (suicidal) (which by the way, doesn't mean a person is going to kill themselves, just that they feel like they should and FEELING like that is bad enough), and she prescribed me tablets over the phone which my husband picked up for me. They have helped enormously and I urge you to do the same so maybe then it will break this cycle.
Please just concentrate on you for the time being and in time everything will click into place xxxx
Hello Hershey, my true friend!
I have huge problems with seeing my GPs. We get a five-minute appointment and if you say the word "depression" it's just straight onto the drugs. I have resisted for many years now the easy slide into drug dependency. I've sometimes accepted the prescription to please the doctor, and then thrown it in the street bin. I've even had the bloomin thing made up, at my own expense of course, and then not taken the tablets. I still have an unopened box of them in the medicine cabinet.
My boyfriend gave me a bag of St John's Wort tablets, and I still have them and they make up my selection of daily vitamins. However, but I struggle to remember to take the vitamins every day. I should put them out on my desk instead of in the drawer, maybe. It's part and parcel of self-neglect.
Why I don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs:
When "Googling" to find info on the drug I'd just brought home from the chemist, I stumbled across a dependency forum in which people were struggling to come off the drug. Some found they had panic attacks every time they reduced the dose. I really don't want to be like that.
My mind resists the idea that it's normal for a human to have to take a drug every day. It's deeply ingrained in me that pills are things you take when you have a headache etc. They aren't something you should be depending on daily on a long term basis.
There isn't anything "wrong" with me. I think my misery is a perfectly natural, human reaction to what I see around me. My depression arises as a reaction to things that are really happening for real in real life. It is a cruel, horrible world, and I for one will be grateful to be out of it. I'm glad I'm 56, I've had my life. The only thing that gives me really deep comfort is the knowledge that suicide is a possibility. That feels like an escape plan when it all gets too much. The people that amaze me are those that skip through life in a blinkered dream world, focusing on fashion, "celebs" and soap operas, closing their eyes, minds and hearts to all the horrors in the world.
Lastly, I am not depressed all the time, but you have to take anti depressants all of the time. If they were like paracetamol with a headache ... take two, and probably not have to take another two for another five or six months, I'd happily take them to cheer me up on a given day. But they aren't like that: they are a lifestyle, and they are addictive.
On the other hand, I have two friends who took Prozac for ages and they recommend them, as well as Weebuns and yourself Hershey.
I've had counselling: two years of it. It ended last July.
"Find something you enjoy, your favourite book, a hot bath with posh bubbles". That made me smile (though wryly). I have not been able to get into my bath for 4 years (i.e. too fat). I am going to get a robust back-neck-shoulders massage this evening though, from my friend, and that always makes me feel wonderful and relaxed.
Thank you Weebuns and Tracey.
I am sorry to report that I went to the Co Op to get plain live bio yoghurt for my home made fat free chicken curry, and accidentally picked up an entire carrot cake, which I have just accidentally eaten 3/4 of. Sorry. New start tomorrow. I was intending to go to aquafit but the police man is coming at 0900. Maybe Tuesday. Shame I am not making more of my new lodger (who replaced Mr Rapist) because not only is he superfit but he's a fully qualified personal trainer and manager of the local gym!
Helena xxxxx