25 stone to 19 stone in 8 months.

Plan for today

The plan is based on the writings of Mardy Roux.

Today I am going to see how long I can bear a liquid only diet. I have already cooked up two pans of fresh soup. One is leek and potato and the other carrot and swede. I put a little bit of Bisto Chicken Gravy in the saucepan. I will use a blender on these soups and have a mug, see if that kills my hunger or not. Then just keep having another mug and another, with fruit tea and water in between.

I don't know if I will last till 3pm, even, without something to crunch on. But if I can manage half a day this time, maybe I can manage 3/4 next time and maybe a whole day at some point.

Even if I ate BOTH saucepans full of soup, this would only amount to a total of 460 calories. The veg come ready prepared and diced, in chilled packs from Asda. Total cost £1.50.


Edited to add... the soups were nice but although they made me feel bloated, I was simultaneously hungry, and got increasingly so until I cracked and had two meat sandwiches at 11am. (Don't panic I am still well within my calorie limit ~ I have 1,000 left to spend and it's nearly 3pm so that is plenty.
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Your kaftan really does look lovely and comfy!
How was aqua-zumba? It sounds like it would be pretty hard going!
Hope you've had a good day today :)
I stumbled across this yesterday and urge everyone to watch it. Ignore the title the speaker is explaining about the lack of nutrition and artificiality in today's food compared with 50 years ago, and why we gain weight. He's a lively and entertaining speaker and gives out heaps of interesting info about the quality of our foods. Everyone who eats food should watch it
[h=1]Weight Loss By Reprogramming Your Metabolism [/h]http://youtu.be/RDSPwineJk8

Can't watch the video yet as am at work, but I agree with what you've said. There wasn't as much processed food about and there's so many preservatives now - couple that with cars and office jobs and it's no wonder we're getting bigger. My OH and I are fortunate enough to be in the situation where we can afford organic, locally grown produce and health foods specifically made to defeat the preservatives etc added to most foods, and try (though don't always succeed) to cook everything from scratch, but it's a luxury not many people have.

I work in an office and am on my bum most of the day, which seems absurd to my Nan, who used to walk everywhere, grew her own veg, tended to her own garden, did vast amounts of physical work everyday and ate butter, bread, potatoes almost everyday and has always been a svelte size 10!
I work in an office and am on my bum most of the day, which seems absurd to my Nan, who used to walk everywhere, grew her own veg, tended to her own garden, did vast amounts of physical work everyday and ate butter, bread, potatoes almost everyday and has always been a svelte size 10!

I've long ago realised that I am eating as much as my Polish peasant ancestors, who performed laborious physical work on the land all day, probably used up 6,000 calories, and had only two wholesome home-cooked meals a day plus a sandwich. I sit on my bum all day and probably eat twice as many calories as they did. This is why I had to stop!
I've long ago realised that I am eating as much as my Polish peasant ancestors, who performed laborious physical work on the land all day, probably used up 6,000 calories, and had only two wholesome home-cooked meals a day plus a sandwich. I sit on my bum all day and probably eat twice as many calories as they did. This is why I had to stop!

Me too. I've got an under desk bike at work now, so at least my legs are moving, though not sure it counts as actual exercise as my bum is still stationary! I'm sure I'd be skinnier if I were unemployed!
I now have a ticker, and alongside is a photo of me when I weighed about 16 stone. I know a lot of people think that 16st is massively overweight, but I was fit and healthy at that weight and, in fact, just before the photo was taken I had been playing tennis all afternoon in about 28 deg of heat. The photo was taken just outside Wimbledon Park Tennis Courts. I was then 26 years old.

Here is the full size version. I'd do anything to look like this again!


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Another really easy day's dieting today.

This diet is a total doddle compared with Atkins. I am now kicking myself for trying-and-failing on Atkins for so many years. I could have lost 100lb by now if I'd tried this way instead. So annoying!

Food for today attached. Only up to 1500 and no desire for any more food. Going to bed now. 15 aug.jpg
Am weighing every morning shortly after rising.

En route to the scales I could not stop myself hoping for another 2lb weight loss, hoping the scales would say 348 instead of yesterday's 350.

Stepped on: 348.2

O happy happy day!

Minigoal 1 reached!

I now feel a terrible IMPATIENCE for time to pass faster, for a week, a month to go by, so I can see that number reduce.

This is SOOOOOooooo exciting!

Thank you my two new slimming-pals!

When I see your stats, the both of you, I want some of what you've got! Yes, it really motivates me to see that Bluey is 22st 11, and a voice in my heads says "I WANT THAT! I want to be 22st 11 as well!" and Tranq's 60lb loss makes me feel "If SHE can do it, then surely I can do it!" So you are both fantastic inspirations, comforts and role models.

Let's all keep it up girls and not let the side down! I have given up SO many times, but at 56 this really is my final chance to have a few years' of active life before I keel over.

Thanks to everyone on here who posts their photos and stats, in order to help others.
I actually want to ride a motorbike but the ticker maker didn't have that option!
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Hiyas lovely I have done the same lost and gained at every diet from JUDD to ww to s/w to fasting to lighterlife and probably a dozen in between but they all simply come down to cals in and cals out in the end don't they.. So I am throwing myself into this trusting the fab ladies here who have lost stones and stones using their numbers advised and taking a chance on myself for a change, I like you risk eating crap as I have lots of cals to use up but I am going to enjoy my first month and just try and find my way around the boards here and hope to make healthier choices as the weeks go on and the novelty of being able to eat anything wears off.. I am also a daily weigher but I am going to just record once a week when hubby can weigh me so I still am accountable to someone but at last I am not paying someone copious amounts of money monthly for the pleasure...

Hope your having a fab day xx :D
Hi Karen ~ can I see your food log please? Mine is on MFP

I just want to put in a good word for a Cadbury's Fudge. It's brilliant! What you do it, put in on a teaplate and cut it into ten small slices. Then you sit in front of the TV with a mug of tea and eat each tiny piece really slowly, putting it on your tongue and trying to hold it there for as long as poss so the tastebuds get as much as they can of it. I tend to press it with my tongue against the roof of my mouth till it disintegrates. The ten pieces last for ages and all for just 115 calories!

The other lifesaver is a Curly Wurly. It looks like a huge amount of treat but only has about 100 calories, and again you can cut it up and eat it really slowly.

My hubby works in a petrol station n fetches loads of goodies home I have a dozen 100g bars of dark lindt in freezer I cursed him but then thought no I can have some so I cut it into 20g pieces weighed and bagged their 101kcals of yummyness n certainly gets rid of sugar cravings.

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I have 1 food diary on my diary, ive just had a nose at yours and know if I eat what you have id lose very little weekly carbs from bread etc really do me no good I try and have cereal for breakfast and have a large portion my son looks at me gone off but I know I wont be hungry so don't need to pick inbetween. For lunch im aiming for a chicken or fish portion with whatever everyone elso fancies today we had half a stuffed pepper with a rice fusion pyramid between me and hubby and grilled cheese on top. For tea im prob going to have egg on toast with grilled tomatoes as hubbys in work and a banana and choc 20g for in work.. plenty of food but avoiding bread more than once a day...

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Great so you too have benefited from cutting up chocolate! haha! I will give up bread soon but currently craving it!
I love how positive you sound hun :D My mum is 57 and when I try and get her to eat healthy with me (we don't live together but talk on the phone loads every day) she says she's too old to lose weight now and it makes me so mad!!

I don't like fudge :( But am craving choc as totm is due. I'm just worried if I have one 'naughty' thing it'll lead to a binge.