29 Stone Start Weight Diary by Lou

I've given up weighing in the week. It just does my head in. Especially as it's TOTM. would rather see a big loss on WI than little gains and losses during the week.

Also my feet have swollen up, like when I was pregnant, my shoes are really tight on me since yesterday. Bit weird! Is that water retention because of my totm? I've been drinking water but not as much as last week. Going to try to and do 8 glasses s day for a week again x

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If you are puffy, you have water retention. Probably TOTM and the fact that your body has got used to more flushing now - I get a really big belly and swollen ankles now if I dont get enough water flowing through. Get thee to that sink woman and start drinking ;)

You know that my neighbour has my scales don't you? I did my head in so much weighing every morning and again every night then over-analysing every little loss and gain that I gave them to her with strict instruction to allow me to use them once a week, on a Friday morning. I tell you something Lou, it was pergatory for the first couple of weeks, but now I am used to it the liberation it has given me is nothing short of amazing! Take my foolish advice, try you very best to weigh in once a week at most - I aiming for fortnightly and then once a month when I reach target (which I hope will be this year!).

Keep it up my lovely - you are doing amazingly well :bighug:
i think im gonna get joe to hide them again from me. coz i dont even wanna weigh this week, so it'll be easier. i know what i need to do to lose, and weighing every morning doesnt change anything.
ive got into a good routine. i weigh on a friday and have a high cal (but not over my mfp cals) weekend, and then alternate low cal days in the week and its working. and im happy with it.

today ive had a greek yog for breakfast, not sure what to have for lunch yet, maybe just a cuppa soup and some toast, and for tea im having a big salad with ham and cheese and 2 cobs of corn. joe and dunc are having kievs with theirs but theres only 2 so i said they can have them.

i do slightly feel like it will take forever to lose this weight, but when i look at my numbers im happy they are going down, especially my bmi which is horrendous and scary! and ive lost 25.3 lbs and thats the most ive ever lost! its taking me longer than i thought to get to 2 stone loss but its been a learning thing, and now ive got a diet pinned down that im comfortable with, im hoping the losses will be regular.
this week as its my period, im not holding out much hope for a huge loss but im gonna carry on as though its a normal week.

i cant wait to get to 28 lb loss, like the getting below 180kg thing, i thought i never would, and now im a good 3 kg below that, so i know by the end of this month im sure i will have got past 2 stone :)

how are you getting on? xxx
I am up and down a bit just now as my winter steroid increase is kicking in and I just can't seem to get full. Happens every year, but I am trying to limit the damage this time instead of give in and binge. Less than a stone to go to target now and I would REALLY like to do it by Christmas, but we shall see.

Like you, I didn't get big overnight, so I know it will take time to shift the weight. I can do this - you can do this - WE can do this. Just chip away at it and celebrate every little milestone...... you are doing amazingly well and I am sure you will continue to. If you need a private moan you know where I am.... and I mean that xxxx

Oh, and do yourself a favour and get Joe to hide those scales!
this is just for my own reference.

i used the juddd calculator.

up day 3050
down day 610

fri: up
sat: up
sun: down
mon: up
tuesday: down
wednesday: up
thursday: down
toxicsgrl said:
I've given up weighing in the week. It just does my head in. Especially as it's TOTM. would rather see a big loss on WI than little gains and losses during the week.

Also my feet have swollen up, like when I was pregnant, my shoes are really tight on me since yesterday. Bit weird! Is that water retention because of my totm? I've been drinking water but not as much as last week. Going to try to and do 8 glasses s day for a week again x

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Me too, I'm not v happy but no wonder I gained 3lb's, I wouldn't care but the damn thing was 4 weeks late so I wasn't expecting it! I feel proper fat and disgusting because of it. As of tomorrow I'm going to try keep ontop of 2 litres of water a day at least and hopefully it'll help come Sunday wi x
Lo cal day today. Going out for tea but going to ask for just grilled chicken without the chips and add a side salad to it. Positive about losing at least a 1lb tomorrow :) TOTM is waning so should be ok :)

I'm loving this losing weigh thing! I don't know why I'm so good at it this time, but I know I'm never gonna stop til I'm at least a size 14 ( loose skin and all , but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!)

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Go Lou, go Lou, go Lou :D :D :D
I resisted Joe begging me to get a takeaway. We went out and there was no option for a salad as it was a work do and a set menu so had 2 slices of pizza and a handful of chips. Was hoping to avoid carbs like I did last Thursday so will see if that affects to loss this week. Still only had 939 cals today but with blitzing my sons room for an hour, my net cals were about 500 odd.

We got home and Joe had had some beers and was saying he was hungry and asking for a Chinese. I am hungry and could easily devour some crispy lemon chicken and chow mein! But as I've had 2 down days this week I didn't want to just wipe them out on the day before weigh in by scoffing. So I made Joe a big plate of pittas salad pickles chutney ham and crisps and he happily munched away :) I'm sipping on my bottle of water and feeling uber proud of myself for being strong :)

This is a new NSV. I actually have gained some willpower!

Fingers crossed for a loss tomorrow! X

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oasis6918 said:
Good luck for tomorrow hun x

Thank you chickadee :) when is your weigh in? Is it Sunday? How u getting on? Xx

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starynights said:
well done for being strong Lou. i know it takes some will power to resist old foods, especially when you know how good they taste.

Thank you :) I'm still hungry but I've had about 4 litres of water today so I'm not damaging my hard work!

We're watching how to steal a million, just a good film, then going to bed. Last week I was so excited about weigh in I couldn't sleep! How effin sad is that!!!!!!!!

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toxicsgrl said:
Thank you chickadee :) when is your weigh in? Is it Sunday? How u getting on? Xx

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No I went back to Friday, couldn't get my head round Sunday wi x
Too tired and head hurts too much to write loads.

Not weighing this fri but next. Wanna give 1500 cal days a go for a while :)

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Take good care sweetie - if you keep getting those headaches go and see the quack won't you? It may just be lack of sugar literally making your brain hurt on down days (your brain laiterally uses only glucose to work so starve days may give you headaches), but better to be safe than sorry...........