Yep - I'm gonna stick to 1700 or less a d drink more water. I am going to do a Leslie sansone walk at least twice.
I have made myself proud today. I am really hungry and joe wants a kebab and I could devour at least a portion of chips but I'm being strong and not giving in
I'm still hungry and feeling a bit dizzy but it's bedtime soon so I can sleep and not feel hungry!
I've had a good 3 days since weigh in and that's rare for me on a weekend. We shared sausage and chips for lunch, I had half a sausage and half a portion of chips and even after that and chicken curry for tea I've still only had less than 1400 cals today, not including walking while helping look for someone's cat this morning
I'm also not going to eat after 7 pm
How about you? What's your plan? X
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