Well Done
Hi Daisy well done, been following your progress, I have had a couple of bad months and have not been that good, so I have only lost 2.5 feel angry at myself you started a couple of days after me and I'm just thinking that if I had been so good then I would be there but I am back on track now so hopefully I will have some good news on the wight loss inthe next 4-6 weeks. Keep up the good work.:cry:
Hi Daisy well done, been following your progress, I have had a couple of bad months and have not been that good, so I have only lost 2.5 feel angry at myself you started a couple of days after me and I'm just thinking that if I had been so good then I would be there but I am back on track now so hopefully I will have some good news on the wight loss inthe next 4-6 weeks. Keep up the good work.:cry: