3 Positives for today...

1 survived the week

2 - it's the weekend

3 - feel more relaxed !!
1. We had a fantastic tree surgeon / gardener round who sorted out the wild tangled jungle behind the house
2. I took all the old garden furniture, rusted watering cans, deflated footballs and plastic buckets to the dump
3. The sun is shining and I have a garden again with grass and stuff!!

-I can fit into my size 14 skinny jeans again

-I bought a shape wear thing in the sale in M&S for £1

-i didn't need to wear a coat today
Lovely sunny day shopping

Got robbie Williams tickets

Nice comments from hubby
Had a walk
Didn't cheat
decided to join a gym
1. The weather seems to be improving
2. Ive worked out a budget so feel more in control of my finances now
3. Im feeling motivated with sw today after a few days off plan :)
I've been on plan most days this week

I'm actually looking forward to WI!

I think I experienced runners high for the first time EVER, ran/walked 5.6K in 46 mins also personal best :)
Shortlisted for Job Interview
Watched a movie
HAd a yummy fruit salad
For yesterday:

Starting to look preg not just bigger

Made a tea which said 'serves 2' and didn't even eat half of it

One of my friends at work bought be a drink just as I needed it and I nearly kissed him! Lol was just good timing! Lol
Got lots done at work
Cold has almost gone
Tomorrow is Friday!!!
1. Up at 6.15 for a lovely long walk with the dogs before work (very good for me on a Friday)

2. After a lot of stress this week my application for new role is ready to go off!

3. It's Friday....say no more.....
For yesterday

Friday and the start of the weekend!!

Had a love meal with hubby planned - was yummy!!

Got lots done at work and hubby did the washing!!
1. Completed 6 mile charity walk for local children's hospice

2. Dogs tired from walk....

3. Just back from a mum cooked roast and crumble....:)
1. Was in a great mood all day.
2. Enjoyable day at work - I'm lucky to have some lovely colleagues :)
3. Weigh in results and all the positive well dones on facebook from my friends :)
Got a new job
Was bought a bunch of flowers
Went out to dinner
Congratulations on getting a new job Letmeout, well done!

And well done on your excellent weight loss, truly inspirational! :) x