1. Didn't have to pay for my car to get fixed...apparently it' still under warranty.
2. Got some nice new things from New Look...2 new jackets, a chunky gold necklace and 3 pairs of earrings.
3. I ran in to my aunt who I haven't seen from Christmas while I was out and she said ''well I see you're still keeping your wee figure''. Now granted I've put on a stone since she seen me so I imagine she needs to go to specsavers but it made me feel better that I'm not as 'fat' as I sometimes feel
1) finished work 2 hours early woop woop
2) sold my cross trainer on eBay for 3 times what i hoped to get
3) have managed almost an entire week of eating all my hex a and b - first week ever I've managed this!
Fit into a size smaller than usual pair of trousers that the lovely delivery man has just bought!
Just off to the local butchers and greengrocers to support them, before completing my shop in Sainsbury's.
Found out this morning that my OH and I are being upgraded to an executive room at the Radisson where we're staying over the weekend! Hope there aren't many yummy looking biscuits on the hospitality tray!