**30 and Gorgeous? ... I will be! **

A few wee pics xxx


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*Sparkles* said:
well as expected the other girl that was due to come out cancelled on me and I was really upset yesterday as she always cancells on me and doesnt seem to care about how that affects other people. I didnt reply to her text as I was upset and angry at the same time.

So any way I made the most of my night last night with my 2 friends and got very very drunk and had a fab time. Back on this rocky road of weight loss and I am starting a fitness challenge on my blog to get moving as im a lazy moo and need some motivation!

Heres a few wee pics of last night!

I'm so sorry your friend flaked out on you, I know how that feels!
Glad you still had a great celebration & keep it up hun, you're doing great :)

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins
Glad u had an awesome time with the friends that matter! Love the pics :) hope have a great week!!! November is getting near.... Eeek! X
Carriegirl21 said:
I'm so sorry your friend flaked out on you, I know how that feels!
Glad you still had a great celebration & keep it up hun, you're doing great :)

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins

Thanks chick... I'm still hurt by her and havnt heard from her since. I suppose I will be the wrong in the wrong for not understanding.
*Sparkles* said:
Thanks chick... I'm still hurt by her and havnt heard from her since. I suppose I will be the wrong in the wrong for not understanding.

You're not in the wrong huni, unless she was ill I think I'd defo feel put out but them I'm a terror for holding grudges! Hope she tries to make it up to you somehow - you deserve to be surrounded by people who make you their priority, esspecially on your Birthday :)

Sent from my HTC Wildfire using MiniMins
Bless u! As long as u enjoyed it :) zumba that ass off tomorrow! Oooo yummy guys would be nice although I dont feel good enough yet..

Ur friend is in the wrong! She probably feels guilty! Hugs x
Get well soon x
This week has been another disaster scales not moving at all and still showing a 5lb gain since last weigh in.

Im feeling a bit better and going out for dinner with some friends tonight as it's one of their bdays.

Looks like it will be another missed weigh in this week and im planning on starting afresh for October!
Yes draw line under ur weigh in. keep the focuss have a nice evening out, then set a mini goal for oct, n lets hope the hoops can start winning week in week out? Do u cheer from a distance or do u visit Celtic Park? Weight loss never goes on a break or hols
I think from sleeping pretty much solid for past 2 days i seem to have obtained a burst of energy from somewhere and Ive just spent some time in the bathroom putting the border up - which looks cracking. Just need to get some painbrushes and fill in the gaps behind the toilet and do some paint work an voila my little purple haven will be completed! Will post pics when its done - hopefully over the weekend at some point!