Hey Xena is back!!
I've made up a personalised 50 day challenge chart for myself incorporating all sorts of toning exercises concentrating on arms, tum, bum and legs but also whole body (planks). I've put a variety on and changed it up as I was getting a bit bored but also finding it hard to fit it in on certain days. So my super busy days (tues and weds) I've given myself less challenges but have the option every day of doing more if I so wish!
I've made every Friday a rest day as that is a day I struggle with as hubby's home. But have crammed in a load on a Monday and Thursday as they are my least busy days and I'm more likely to be able to really go for it!!
I won't bore you with the details but I'm generally doing a variety of toning and planks. I have a Zumba class every Saturday. I do lots of walking anyway but am doing a charity walk in March so will up my walking to get my fitness tip top.
I've finally set up the Zumba on the wii so I'll be able to do that a couple of times a week too.
Phew, I'm exhausted just thinking about it!!
I started on Friday (rest day! Lol) and made it a '50 day challenge' as I worked out that I have exactly 50 days until my next girlie night out so figured it would give me something to aim for!!
I've eased myself back in over the weekend as had hubby home for the whole week last week and needless to say my diet and exercise went to pot!
Saturday was Zumba and walking.
Today was 210 squats with weights and 2 lots of 75 second planks.
Honk for the weekend!!
I'm looking forward to my new chart and ticking it off! I do love to tick!!