Oh bananas! I just lost my whole post

Those stair climbs are HORRIBLE but they're really worth doing, they work your hamstrings and quads pretty well. Breaking them up is a good idea, that's what I usually do with those kinds of things, though sometimes means I forget to finish them lol
Day Seven - 04/01/2012
Active Challenge : Walk around, exercise or stretch during ad breaks whilst watching TV
I haven't done this as I haven't watched any TV today. I rarely watch TV and looking at the TV guide for this evening, I doubt I will today.
Exercise Challenge : Do 20 minutes of cardio
I did 45 minutes of aqua fit, 25ish minutes of swimming and 25 minutes of kettlebells so I think that covers it!
Flexibility Challenge : At least three times today, perform the stretches shown in the Seated Stretch workout.
I haven't done this yet but I have done 10 minutes of yoga. I've been out most of the day so I don't think I'll get 3 lots of this in but I'll try to do it once or twice before the end of the day.
Nutritional Challenge : Try at least one fruit or vegetable you’ve never tried before
I forgot to go and buy my sharon fruit

The shop over the road is rubbish and doesn't sell anything interesting that I wouldn't have had before. Up until a few years ago they didn't even have wholemeal bread or skimmed milk and had to order it in especially for us! The supermarket is a 7 mile drive away and I'm not doing that just for this challenge so I'll get something tomorrow instead.
Mind/Body Challenge : Before you go to bed, take five minutes and write down at least 5 things you accomplished today and at least 5 things you'd like to accomplish tomorrow.
Exercise - Managed to keep up with the exercise again today
Aquafit - Went to aquafit even though I hate public exercise and especially hate public me in a swimming costume
Breakfast - Left early this morning but made myself make time to have breakfast before I left
Lunch - Went out for lunch and chose the healthy option (though it's also one I like) and avoided pudding even though I really fancied it
Protein - Worked to get protein into all my meals to raise my daily protein intake
Exercise - keep the exercise up
Breakfast - have breakfast again
Smoothies - research tasty smoothies to have for my breakfast when I'm at uni and school rather than having no breakfast
Drinking - make sure I drink at least 2 litres of water, well fluid, I hate water!
I can't think of a 5th one