3lb weights??? My arms feel like they're about to drop off with 2lb ones!I'd recommend getting some 3lb weights if you can. Have used both beans and weights and there really is a huge difference. If however weights aren't an option tins of beans etc are def better than nothing.
Has anyone done level 3? Level 2 is hurting my hands with the planks, don't know whether to do them on forearms or move to level 3 but not ready really????
I feel like a right numpty doing the bicycle crunches at the end, I'm just glad no-one can see me when I do it! :ashamed0005:
Oh I agree 100% with you on this!
FYI - The Portuguese word for baby seal is Foquinah. I know this because this was the nickname given to me by a Brazilian guy after he saw me attempting crunches a few years ago!