Silver Member
Hi Hun,here to follow. Diary is looking very tasty so far!. Xx
Thanks lovely!!
Hi Hun,here to follow. Diary is looking very tasty so far!. Xx
Oh yes was doing the happy scale dance!
Well I have a tough week ahead diet wise, Friday we have a Halloween party to go to and my mum is coming down for the weekend. The party is booze fuelled and when my mum is down we normally order loads of takeaways!
I've made a super plan and I'm going to cook as much as I can and make that our treat rather than ordering in. Really jazz it up and present it nicely. And booze wise I'm going to alternate my drinks and it will help me the next day not to eat my own body weight in fatty foods for my hangover!
Today's been such a rollercoaster of emotions!
Obviously starting great with the 4.5lb loss! But tonight I've just found out the new job I was meant to be starting next week has fallen through. I've been lined up for it for weeks, handed in my notice to my old job, sorted everything out with childcare and to be told less than a week away it's all over. Basically the company has been going through a restructure and as of today the job doesn't exist anymore. Now the initial shock has passed I'm doing ok I'm just more proud of myself for not reaching for the chocolate or wine in depressed mode!
Other than that today I took the kids on a long walk round the woods and hopefully racked up a few APs but doesn't matter if not cos I'm right on track for today
B- asda slim fast shake and a ww breakfast bar 8pp
L- philidelphia sandwich with cucumber and ww peach yogurt 5pp
S- rest of my lunch lol weight watchers crisps and caramel cake 4pp
D- ww recipe for beef stew and Yorkshire pudding (4pp for stew, 9pp for pudding!!!) and green beans
29/31 used (p.s. My pp gone down after today's wi!)
2pp left for a ww treat if I fancy one later but as you'll see dinner was huge!
<img src=""/>
It was aunt Bessie's! Already had them in the freezer taking up room. I would defo make the stew again but would think twice about the Yorkshire pud!!
I buy the Asda Giant Yorkies, they are 3 for £1.20 and work out at 7ppFor when your supplies run out
x Only 5g less in Weight than the AB ones too
Evening all!
Another successful day in the weight watchers house! Been and done a good shop at asda today so I'm ready for the week ahead!
B- Special K porridge 4pp
L- asda cafe plain jacket and beans 6pp then a rich toffee bar 2pp
S- snack a jacks 2pp and cup a soup 2pp
D- quorn peppered steak 3pp and stuffed mushrooms (recipe in last weeks your week!) 5pp
24/32 used so planning on a toffee crisp!!!! How naughty!!! And a hot chocolate as I remembered to top up at asda! 7pp
Can't wait for my toffee crisp mmmmmm![]()
Hello everyone sorry I've been MIA! This weekends been crazy busy! And not very good
Thursday Halloween managed to stay on track! Didn't nick any of the kids sweets and managed to resist the hot dog van at the fireworks display!
Friday started off sooooo well! Boiled egg and toast soldiers 8pp then a subway for lunch 8pp and then instead of getting a chippy I cooked a yummy salmon fillet with potato wedges and roasted vine tomatoes! 13ppthen Friday night was a Halloween party... I stuck to vodka as was less points than beers.... And needless to say I didn't count them :/ ended up very drunk and even though I had a great time it ruined Saturday!
Cold pizza for breakfast, battered sausage and a few chips for lunch, a boost chocolate bar and bottle of lucozade. Then Chinese takeaway for tea. God knows the points!!!!
But it's all behind me now and it's back to normal today!
Started the day with a yummy ww bagel with Nutella and banana (even tho hubby made everyone else a fry up!) roast dinner is on the go and today I've made my first 0pp soup! Full of yummy vegetables carrots onion celery and cauliflower mmmmm I could sit and eat the whole thing mmmmm
Hoping to repair some of the damage done. I knew this weekend would be tough but I'm not going to dwell on it. It's part of life!
Hope everyone's had and is having a good weekend!!![]()
Hey! Everyone has Weeks/Weekends like this, at least you're getting back on track now! Your Souo sounds Souoer too! What Day do you WI? X
Tuesday morning! So not long for me to repair damage!! I do feel like I shouldn't have done it but knew it would and I suppose I could have been worse (or could I?!)
I'm 100% now till Xmas. I have a few Christmas parties in the pipeline but hopefully this weekend will have taught me a lesson! X
Evening everyone!
Quick check in with today's food!
B- bagel Nutella and banana 6pp
L- roast dinner and a ww crumble 20pp
Got 5pp left so going to have a bag of snack a jacks, hot choc and a ww biscuit![]()
How was the WW Crumble? I'm a HUGE Crumble Fan but have never bought those! X
Hello everyone!
Had a sneaky wi this morning to survey the weekends damage... 1.5lb onnot surprising!!
Had a great day today so hoping the gain will reduce or (fingers tightly crossed almost cutting off blood supply!) disappear!! And had a great home workout this morning and managed 7AP
B- BLT made with a ww wrap, lettuce, tomato and 2 bacon rashers 6pp
L- lunch out with work, decided before I went and got NI on their web page 13pp for the mushroom chicken, new potatoes and peas.
D- some of my homemade zero point soup and a toastie made with ww thick bread and lighter cathedral city cheese 6pp
25/31 used. 7AP earned
Going to try not to use my extra points, I'm not hungry after my massive bowl of soup and every little helps for official wi tomorrow morning!!
Kids back to school tomorrow so things can go a bit more normal!!
Here's to the morning.... Eeeeek!
Yey for being back on track! I'm sure that the 1.5lbs isn't 'real' weight so it will come off as quickly as it has showed! Even if that isn't tomorrow then it will definitely be off (and extra) by next weeks WI. Lots of the kids round here were off today too. Did you manage to not use your remaining 6pp? X